Albert's birthday (Ik this is late but whatever)

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Quick note: I'm really sorry for my lack of uploads recently, I haven't been well and I was recovering from a recent surgery. It was Albert's birthday on the 11th of June so this is obviously inspired by that, despite it being hella late. I will try and upload frequently again since I am all recovered now, thanks for the continued support <3

3rd person POV: (On June 11)

Today was Albert's birthday, Kaden woke up early so he could surprise him by making him breakfast. He got out of bed, being careful not to wake Albert, and he went downstairs to the kitchen. He cooked pancakes, in his pyjamas and served them in a cute way. He smiled, proud of his work, and then went back upstairs to wake Albert up. He gently shook Albert awake, he groaned as he woke up, Kaden softly kissed him on the cheek, "Happy birthday baby, I made you some breakfast." He whispered with a smile. Albert smiled to as his eyes fluttered open. He got up and Kaden led him downstairs to the kitchen, where he had prepared his lover a sweet breakfast. Albert smiled when he saw this, "Aww, thank you so much!" He thanked Kaden and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, which made Kaden blush. The both of them sat down to eat together, talking as they did so. They finished eating and Kaden went to clear up all the dishes. "Thanks again Kaden, it was really good." Albert smiled. "No problem, happy birthday." Kaden smiled back. Albert went to get dressed while Kaden finished clearing up the dishes. When Kaden was done, he went to get dressed as well. The both of them sat in the living room together, on the couch, when they were done getting ready for the day. "Hey baby," Kaden started. Albert looked over at him. "I have another gift for you." Albert smiled. "Aww, you know you don't have to spoil me so much." Kaden blushed, "It's your birthday, of course I do." He then ran off upstairs to get Albert's gift. He came back after a couple of minutes and handed Albert a small, neatly wrapped gift. Albert smiled and took it from him. There was a note attached to the top, it read:

Dear Albert,

Happy birthday!! I love you so much

-Kaden <3

He carefully unwrapped the gift, inside was a small keychain. It had a pattern on it, one of those things you scan on spotify and it tells you the song. (I hope you know what I mean lol). Albert smiled, it may seem like a small, meaningless gift, but, the song it was, was like 'their song'. Maybe a little cringy, but it had a lot of value to him. He hugged Kaden and kissed him. "This is so sweet, thank you." Kaden was glad he liked the gift and hugged him back. "I'm glad you like it, I put a lot of thought into what I was going to buy you."

They spent the rest of the day together, just enjoying eachothers company. Albert had a good birthday and Kaden was happy he was enjoying himself. Soon it got late, and the two of them went to bed. They cuddled happily and drifted sleep.

Fin <3

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