ATWYRM podcast - season two

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they were moved to an earlier timeslot so couldn't say / do certain things

kevin and jenna agree that it didn't age well and weren't sure how they were gonna do it

kevin remembers talking to castmates of color in the recent years about certain things that were being said and back then he didn't realize

jenna said there were a lot of asian jokes and she just had to take it - but she felt that everyone was getting shit on and having jokes about them so it was "okay", also didn't speak up because she didn't want to lose her job

they were dreading watching this one

kevin said the european vacation took seven years off his life

this is when they got so tight and close and things were going uphill

kevin's brother was like why do you need security? and they got swarmed and then he was like ...oh. and kevin's brother got separated and then they grabbed him and pulled him into the van

everybody had a little bit of a glow up this season - tans, blowouts, dressed better

"it's a pretty crazy episode, like we said, you know, but at least everybody looks good" - jenna


"there was budget" - kevin

"we met a lifelong friend in chord overstreet" - kevin

kevin doesn't remember doing the voiceover and said he gasped when he had it on

jenna loved working with harry but said "why you gotta put the asians together?"

"I cannot say enough nice things about dot. Dot is a goddamn ray of sunshine" - kevin
"and literally an angel, like a living angel" - jenna

kevin was like "surely this can't be what's happening in the scene" when he saw the brittany doll / beiste / sue scene

when they did billionaire, kevin couldn't say damn because of the new timeslot

the JBI blog is poking fun about the things that were being said about them irl and kevin had a conspiracy theory at that time that someone on set was stirring up drama to go back to the writers with irl stuff (he said this hasn't been confirmed)

first courtyard, new sets - hallways, locker room

jenna prefers the empire state of mind tour version and not the episode performance

"I think it's hilarious having me, cory, and mark do jay-z" - kevin

they loved doing it on tour and going crazy with it

some of the rachel / sunshine stuff was taken from a celine video that they used to watch

jenna loves moments like sue yelling shut up because it brings them back down

kevin likes the scene of the guys with sam ("dude your mouth is huge. how many tennis balls can you fit in there? I don't know I've never have any balls in my mouth, have you?") and said it was very accurate to how the guys were with each other in real life

kevin had fun doing billionaire and remembers spending a lot of time with chord and dot these first few episodes

kevin remembers when they filmed the scene where beiste yells at artie and finn in the locker room, he, mark, and cory were talking to chord about if he was gonna be kurt's boyfriend and chord had no idea

kevin said he texted ryan and ryan said sam was not supposed to be kurt's boyfriend

they were casting kurt's boyfriend around the same time so the rumors got crossed and everyone assumed the hot new blonde was for kurt

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