ATWYRM podcast - 3D Movie

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it was an add-on thing to the pilot contracts that they never thought would happen

kevin said this was peak glee and it was the first indicator that they were over-saturated

released august 12, 2011 - they finished touring in july

filmed in new jersey over two days

they weren't sure if they would be in character in the confessions on tour but it was decided that the entire tour would be in character

they didn't know about the fan interviews in the movie until the premiere

jenna said she sometimes listens to the concert performances bc they're live so they're not as over produced

on august 7th glee won 3 awards at the teen choice awards

kevin said his outfit at the teen choice awards shows how overwhelmed he was by the amount of things they were doing

they won for comedy cast ensemble

kevin hosted in 2012 with demi

you can actually surf on the teen choice award

gwyneth helicopter'd in from NY to NJ for the show (9 minutes)

darren would skateboard around the arena

the dummies were in the audience to make it fuller for that filming

kevin remembers the second night being lit differently - he has a distinct memory of looking out and seeing everything and everyone, and everything looked bigger

jenna remembers it being brighter and also coming on the second day to film dog days are over and she felt disappointed that it didn't get the time, but she never thought they would cut it without telling her and she was bummed but got over it

kevin said the movie setlist is all out of order from the shows

"it was the summer of the gleeks. we gave them everything we had" - kevin

they were and are so blown away by the range of demographics at the shows

when they were backstage, they talked a lot about the glee project bc it started airing when they were on tour and it was the first time they were all around ryan since and were like so what's up with this and he got them in a meeting to talk to them about what it was and to reassure them it was not to hire people to take their jobs, especially because they were going into a new season

damian mcginty was there

the cast all had wished there were more behind the scenes moments

the movie made more money internationally than domestically because they didn't get to go there

kevin wanted to do another tour and had an idea for it - bigger venues, one city, south america, asia, australia

they had a dance move called lazy stripper (naya does it in valerie when she's shaking her shoulders and during river deep mountain high when she slaps her own ass)

kevin asked his family if they went to the movie and his sister said she went twice, jenna's brother did as well

kevin's friend jared didn't watch glee but watched the movie and was possessed by slave 4 u and loved PYT

"watching heather perform every night was a gift" - kevin

kevin watched slave 4 u from the side and would try to learn the choreography

kevin said his brothers got really quiet in the groupchat when he asked who saw the movie

Tartie takes:
Cringe moments: cutting dog days out
Best dance move: jenna- safety dance or valerie
Best song: river deep mountain high and somebody to love (which was weird to put it as post credits)
Best performance by a prop: confetti slushies
Best lines: jenna loved everything kevin said (kevin said "artie got real gay"), kevin loved when naya said she drinks latisse, and they agreed everyone's improv skills were pretty good
Performance MVP: jenna- amber (vocals), tour MVP: jenna- kevin (cheered everyone on and kept them afloat bc he loved tour and loved performing and watching everyone performing)

naya wasn't confident in her performance ability and there were nights she was nervous to go out and sing and kevin would reassure her

they agreed it's nice to have the movie to look back on the experience and see that they did it

kevin said the MVP is all of them bc they got through it together

Shit we found on tiktok:
5 stages of gleef- at what stage are you a fan of a different character

the progression of gleeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora