Showmance Podcast Glee Recap - Season One

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matt morrison booked glee the same day as lea and she called him to tell him before the producers could

lea said "I thought I ran the show"🐸☕️

"I guess I'm gonna have to live here so I got an apartment and I got it with Dianna" - Lea

Lea got cast 9/2 and Kevin & Jenna got cast 9/11 and they had to fly on 9/11 and were nervous

Lea was a walk of shame for halloween that year in a white button down shirt with condoms taped on it and mascara on

Lea's yelling at Kevin & Jenna bc they don't know glee as well as she does & she said "these fools don't know glee and wanna do a show about glee"

"so many of the characters had these great friendships" - Lea
^yeah and then they ruined most of them

Lea said when they wrapped the show, a bunch of them (Jenna, Kevin, Becca, Chris, Amber & maybe more) went and sat on the stage and sat in a circle and talked about the show and what they loved

instead of leaving on a jet plane Mr. Schue was supposed to sing viva la vida but chris martin wouldn't let them have it

after the scene when Finn saved Artie from the portapotty they were watching the guy on the lawn singing and playing lovin touchin squeezin and cory & kevin looked at each other and said this is really special we're gonna remember this forever

and Lea said she never got emotional about it before but she recently watched the pilot and cried at Finn saving Artie from the portapotty because you see Finn's heart and can see how much his character will grow😭

"the fact that puck put a boy in a wheelchair in a portapotty and said I'm gonna flip it - that was so sad!" - Lea

Jenna said "we can watch it and see the moments where things would've gotten us hooked and made us watch the show"

"they made everyone care about our characters and why they shit on them" - Kevin

*the only way to get slushee off your body is Gillette shaving cream*

Lea said Mark practiced slusheeing on Ian Brennan before the Pilot

the first scene Lea shot got cut from the Pilot - the bathroom scene with Dianna & Naya

^2 things she shot for the Pilot got cut:

disco costume scene where amber said "you can't get the stank out of polyester"

some of the other actors (mostly Jenna) sat in Artie's wheelchair during breaks but Lea never did

Lea, Cory, Kevin, & Dianna got in trouble for holding onto cars and golf carts while wheeling around in the wheelchairs on the lot😂

Lea remembers what the studio looked like and what the magazines in it looked like when she recorded DSB

Lea was so proud of DSB

they taught Kevin how to fake play guitar for it

"it was a perfect show we were on, you guys" - Jenna

one teacher is touching a student and the good teacher is blackmailing a student

"what about that jacuzzi thing? and puck is like you believed it!" - Lea

Lea's 6 year old niece was dancing to Lea's DROMP😭😭❤️❤️

"Ooh I get to do a scene with Jenna today and then I get to do a scene with Dianna" - Lea

"Dianna and I had theme parties like every week" - Lea
"That's so on brand" - Jenna

Heather Morris has Sheila's brother (Lea's cat) Zach (found on the Paramount lot)

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