The highlight of my day

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So for pE we went outside and my friends and I opted to go outside and walk instead of doing activities. My friend likes to call it minimal effort. She'll be like "Hey, *name redacted*, will you minimal effort with me." My answer is yes because none of my friends like physical activity so they get up to some chaos, plus I'm asthmatic. But the chaos I become involved in is much more physically demanding than any of the activities but it's about ten times more fun. And I hang out with a group of like seven other people and only two of them aren't musicians so let's go. Anyways my friend found a caterpillar and I picked it up and started chasing one of my friends that's afraid of worms with it, although I think her fear is of oblong insects. I named him Roberto. Everyone started grouping up into smaller sections and I ran into someone I'm friendly with, I'm friends with most of her friends and she stole Roberto and I got him back. Turns out about one person in each group was scared of Roberto. I started chasing people with him on a stick. He fell off but I knew I wouldn't be able to find him so I chased people with the stick until they figured it out. I ran into that person I'm friendly with and she found another caterpillar named Roberta and we chased a few people, got scared of unidentified insects, she told me about a tree where she saw a few more caterpillars, showed her pE teacher the caterpillar and then went on a hike to the sacred caterpillar tree (It was just of our loop that we kept walking). Omg, I'm too tired to keep writing, I'll post part two tomorrow.

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