Killing Spree

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"PLEASE!!!! DOn't hurt me.... I'll give you MOney anything just.. PLEASE... DON'T HURT ME..."

I looked at this fat sick disgusting human as he begged for his life ha, as if that was going to do anything to change my mind. I walked closer to him, placing a hand around his neck cutting his breath short I then placed my knife to the back of his neck and said...

"GO TO SLEEP...." As I slice his neck and stab him in the gut repeatedly , I stop and watched in excitement as he choked on his own blood.
Ahh an other successful killing I wonder whos next on my killing list. I jumped out of the window and made my way to my next killing, it wasn't till the second block where I notice an open window.

"Ooo well looks like we have a winner."
I went to the backyard pulled myself up the roof and made my way towards the window of my next victim.

As I walk in, my heart beating with excitement and lust for blood. I was ready to kill what looked like a small child in bed until, I stepped on something sticky in the dark, what the fuck is this...
Seeing it was blood I quickend my pace towards the bed and pulled the covers off just to find a dead child with multiple stabbings and insides filled with candy.

"Fucking Jack!!!" I said with rage gripping the handle of my knife tightly.

"Hehehe, oh did someone say my name??"

I turned around just to see LJ the fucking ugly ass clown.

"Oh why isn't it my old friend Jeff." He said with a grin, showing off his sharp teeth.


"Oh come on Jeffy boy, you can't still be mad at that, hehe I thought you didn't care about humans like look you killed your family for crying out loud hehehe yet you cry over a girl, hehe what a shame."

Once he said that I lost it. I striked at him with my knife, but he poofed away.

"Aaahhhh!!!!!!One day I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you clown."

I got out of the house and found myself at a park called golden hills. It was dark out and I thought what better way to kill someone then at a park. Its kinda like hunting in the woods.

I stand behind a tree till I saw my prey.
"Bingo." I said feeling my grin extending.

My prey was a man jogging, probably in his teen years. I moved ahead of him, to get in position to strike, that was until out of no where a girl his age tackles him. "Hm.. Looks like I got two killings to fufill.. perfect."
Tami's Pov.

I was throwing out the trash when I saw Ron jogging and thought why not scared the basterd hehe, he had his head phones on so this was perfect. I know you shouldn't scare people at night but when your as close as Ron and I, who gives a fuck. I ran behind him and tackled him. "Boo!!" tackling him seemed like a good idea, that is until we both hit the ground.

"Ouch, who!?!?What the fuck, Tami!!"

"Hahaha got cha, hehe, ouch got me too, well.. at least you softened my fall haha"

"Ah you scared me half to death."

"Hehe yay, at least I did something right haha."

"Pff ahh.. get off of me."

"Fine Mr. grumpy." I stood up and pulled him up to his feet we weren't that badly scratched up thank god.

"So how are you, other then tackling people on the ground." he said as we walked passed my place.

"I'm fine, just bored then saw you and thought what the hell a little scarring wouldn't hurt, but I was wrong with the hurt part obviously, ehh I hate concrete."

"Haha ehh your weird, but you know what thats why your like a sister to me."

"Pff I guess..." we started walking this path into the park... Thats when I got this weird feeling as if someone was watching us.
............................................................... I hope you enjoyed chapter one and I will update as soon as possible, thank you StarSkyUniverse for giving me ideas for the story. If any of you have ideas feel free to let me know. :3

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