Elite Trine

157 6 12

(All of these HCs are G1)


Whenever they are finished with missions or any work they will end up in their shared berthroom and cuddle up before falling into recharge.


When Starscream is stressed he will either go to Thundercracker or Skywarp and seek comfort from them.


If Starscream goes to Thundercracker, TC will do soft caresessing on his wings or honestly anywhere since he shows affection via actions.


If Starscream goes to Skywarp, 'Warp will say soft and sweet things to Starscream since he shows affection via words.


They normally call eachother by nicknames such as; 'Screamer' ''Warp' and 'TC' but if you hear any of them say their full name that means the one who said the other's name is mad or pissed but probably both.


On how they met was when Starscream flew into a raging storm to see who would follow, Skywarp and Thundercracker weren't going to follow him until they changed their minds and followed him.


At some point Starscream forgets to recharge sometimes and randomly passes out, this only happens when he starts glitching.


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