part 3

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I'm so sorry for not posting for a long time! I was thinking what to put in the next episode next but I clearly forgot about the story!

My sincere apologies!

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Hello, I'm y/n. I'm just a high schooler. But the problem is... THESE GUYS WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!. Ahem. Then this gentleman came to me, he happens to be in the same school as me. What's he called again? Ah, right. Zhongli. He always makes my heart flutters! Awh... Such a gentleman! (Little did I know he's also a psychopath)

(End of flashback)

I should be heading home now. It's a pleasure to meet you.

You walks away..

Zhongli POV :

What a pretty girl...with a kind heart.. Ahh..

Ends of POV.

"It's very late.. Come to think of it, I haven't chat Venti for a while.. I wonder how he's doing.. "

You arrived at your home. You quickly opened your phone and call Venti.

Venti POV :

*Ring...... Ring...... Ring..... *

"Who could be calling at this hou-.. Y/N? "

*picks up the phone *

" Hello! It's been awhile, right? Anyway, how have you been? "

"Oh uhm hello, y/n. I'm doing great! A-and uh.. Why did you call me? "

Your heart is racing very fast..

" oh nothing! Just to check my dearest friend! I'm kinda bored.. :(("

"Oh, is that so.. If you're bored.. Why not come to my house? Anytime will do... "

"Great idea! I'll come tomorrow at 10! "

"Great! See you tomorrow! "

*Hangs up*

Your heart beats is so fast.. Knowing that y/n will come over tomorrow..

" what should I do?? "


"Finally! I get to go to his house! EEEK! I'm so excited!!!!! :DDDDD"

You jumped around the house and suddenly fell down..

"Ouch! ... That hurts. "

"I should probably go to when I woke up, it's already tomorrow!"

You showered then sleep.. (Like a baby)

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

I need y'all to comment about this one! Is it long or short??!! I NEED ANSWERSSSSSSSSSSS

Pardon me.

Anyway thanks for reading have a good day/evening/night!

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