6:The Sorting Hat

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THE TRAIN FINALLY ARRIVED AT IT'S DESTINATION, luckily an elf had come to collect all the students things, meaning they wouldn't have to haul them around them any longer.

People rushed their way towards the door and out on to a tiny ,dark platform.  Arabella shivered in the cold night air.

"Firs' years! Firs' years!"  Harry and Arabella smiled brightly when they heard Hagrids familiar voice. Everyone including YN looked at Hagrid in amusement. YN felt someone's gaze ,he looked around and saw a bunch of girls shyly giggling and pointing at him. He frowned and then looked back not giving any attention to them .

Slipping and stumbling ,they followed Hagrid down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in  a sec." Hagrid called over his shoulder. "Now follow me Firs' years , we're heading to the boats."

Hagrid began to lead the group of first years away towards a dock area where many boats were stationed, awaiting passengers. Hagrid ordered them to get in a boat and they did as were told.

YN sat in the boat followed by Draco and his 'friends'. Yn ignored them as he continued to watch the view in front of him.

"Everyone in?" Hagrid shouted who had a boat to himself."Right then - FORWARD ! "

And they fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood.

"If I were in your place, I would not have any business with them. Ya know." YN looked at him and pointed at himself at which Draco nodded.

"Why? You wanted to be friends with them a while ago, didn't you?Said YN.

"Yeah , I did but guess what they don't deserve to be my friends."  Draco said , smiling brightly at YN.

"Why do you suddenly dislike them?"

" Because they always insult the Slytherins. Guess Slytherins are very cunning and ambitious. Also they don't give a damn about what others say. Many people consider them as evil as Dark Lord just because he was in the same house. And those Weasley's Don't leave even a single chance to talk bad about the Slytherins. Blood Traitors!"

Said Draco while his bodyguards nodded at his remarks. 

"Is your mother and father also in Slytherin?" Said YN.

"Yeah, my whole family."  Said Draco cheerily. "And I will also be chosen in the same house." Draco looked at YN and saw his wavy hair flying with the breeze. He then remembered that he didn't know his name.

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