Chapter 3 - Micro-celebrity

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After getting up from the floor, Slick settled into a kitchen chair and rested his head on the table with his arms. He sniffled and sat in silence for a while. Eventually, he reached for his phone in his pajama's pocket, turning it on. With his phone in hand, he slid it open and started searching his contacts for his messages with Jeremy.

As he began typing "I'm sorry," he paused to hesitate, and swiftly erased the message.

He looked down at the wet mess before him, catching sight of his own visage reflected in the tears. His eyes were swollen and red, and his disheveled hair was unkempt.

He rose from the table and trudged up the stairs to his bed, where he cocooned himself in blankets. He dug his wet nose into Jeremy's pillow and closed his eyes, smelling his boyfriend to comfort himself. He let himself lay there for a few moments before bringing the phone up to his eyes, where he opened up an app called SnapVid.

SnapVid is an app that allows people to create and share short videos with others. Unlike other video-sharing apps, SnapVid focuses primarily on creative projects across a wide range of art forms. This includes everything from visual art and music to writing, dance, videography, and of course other content that reaches beyond the original purpose.

Slick was an active member of the SnapVid community, where he regularly shared videos and photos showcasing his modeling skills, among other things. He had amassed a considerable following on the app, similar to the level of fame he had achieved on other social media platforms, such as Tweeter, although Slick hadn't been posting lately, and his disappearance was a mystery to his fans.

He scrolled through the app nonetheless, chuckling at the occasional funny videos that popped up on his feed. More than an hour passed before stumbling upon a mesmerizing video of an artist creating a stunning painting in a time-lapse. The beautiful painting reminded him of the scenery just outside his house, and he finally felt inspired for a photoshoot.

From the cobweb-covered garage, he retrieved an old easel and meticulously dusted it off before positioning it in the center of the backyard. With it now in place, he stepped back to survey the area, envisioning the masterpiece he was about to create. The gentle breeze carried the scent of crisp fallen leaves, and woodsmoke from a nearby neighbor's house, evoking a sense of nostalgia for cozy autumn evenings.

Slick ran his hands along the sleeves of his sweatshirt and pulled up his arms. After shedding his sweatshirt, his tank top was exposed. He glanced at his toned physique, flexing his muscles, before heading inside and upstairs to finish getting dressed.

After removing his tank top, he donned a fresh, white button up and swapped his pajama pants for a pair of khaki slacks. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, he ran his hand through his rugged facial hair, briefly considering a trim but ultimately deciding to leave it be. After brushing his hair, he made his way downstairs and donned a coat, before stepping outside and carefully propping his expensive phone against the easel.

With a few practice shots, he started experimenting with different poses, trying to find the right angles and expressions that would bring out his best features.

As his phone camera clicked away, he started feeling more confident, and his poses became more natural and relaxed. With every shot, he checked his phone to see how it turned out and made adjustments to his poses and outfits accordingly.

After hours of shooting, Slick finally felt satisfied with the results. He had captured a variety of looks that he could use, carefully reviewing the photos, and selecting the best ones. He returned back to the kitchen and opened up his laptop, opening the software and beginning to edit his pictures. Despite not being the best at it, he tried to learn what he could when it comes to his circle of expertise.

After finishing his task, he slinked back upstairs and collapsed onto the bed, utterly exhausted from the emotionally draining morning, and spending the time taking photographs of himself. After tossing his boots aside, he shed his slacks and unbuttoned his shirt, too exhausted to bother with removing it entirely, only leaving that, his socks, and his boxers remaining.

As he lay there, Slick's eyes grew heavy, and he realized just how tired he really was. The mere thought of getting up to turn off the light felt like an insurmountable challenge. He half-heartedly attempted to pull the covers over himself but failed in his tired state. However, exhaustion eventually overtook him, and he drifted off to sleep despite the blankets hardly covering him, with a pool of drool soaking into the sheets.

Jeremy returned home late, quietly driving into the gravel and entering the house with his keys jingling. As Jeremy made his way inside, he tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake anyone up.

As he walked into the house, the only sound in the silence was the echoing of his footsteps. After hanging up his jacket and tossing his keys on the counter, he kicked off his boots and carefully lined them up against the wall by the door. Despite a harsh morning, he found himself smiling subconsciously, knowing that he had enjoyed the day. Making his way up the stairs, he slipped into bed next to Slick and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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