Chapter 4

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In the ambulance, Katt laid on her stomach as the back of her shirt was cut open, and antiseptic was pressed into the cuts. Katt squeezed Kaoru's hand in pain as he kneeled beside her head and kept her calm and relaxed. All those in the ambulance stayed silent as most worked on Katt, and two were with Alex and Hikaru, one at her shoulder, the other looking at her swollen ankle.

As they arrived at the hospital, Alex was put into a room, and Katt was rushed off to the emergency surgery room, to have her back stitched. Alex sat in silence, alone with Hikaru, as they waited for Kaoru and Katt to return. Neither had any idea what to say. Hikaru cleared his throat.

"Alex.... I am so sorry about yesterday. I never had any intention of hurting you." He began. "I was just so upset, and I only wanted you to understand how I felt." Alex nodded, staying quiet.

Hikaru smiled softly. "This is the real Alex. No theatrics of masks, huh?" Alex looked away, ready for the rejection to come, for him to get up and leave since he knew she wasn't as he thought. But he surprised her.

"I like it. You being yourself I mean. If you were outgoing, loud, and crazy. Or if you were quiet, reserved and gentle. I.....I like it, because you're showing me who you really are." He smiled at her. Alex's head whipped around to look at Hikaru, eyes full of surprise, and happiness. Hikaru chuckled.

"There you go again, making such a cute face. When I see you like that I just want to...." Hikaru trails off, as he starts to move closer to Alex. He swallows hard, as one of his hands finds the crook of her waist, and the other lines her jaw, slowly tilting her chin up. Both of their hearts started to race. Alex couldn't quite grasp the situation. She knew that she shouldn't be like this. This close to a man she hardly knew. Katt would sure scold her if she saw what was going on. But for a moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered was this moment, here, with Hikaru.

Slowly as he moved closer, Alex closed her eyes. Hikaru got more and more nervous but he couldn't stop what he was doing. He tilted his head down, and just as he was about to close his eyes, the door burst open. There, in the doorway, slightly out of breath was Kyoya Ootori.

Hikaru looked at the door and was shocked. "Of all the places, at any possible time, why did Kyoya have to show up here, now!?" Hikaru thought. He instantly moved away from Alex and stood up. Kyoya cleared his throat and straightened himself out. "Sorry to interrupt, but I will be your attending doctor today. Now Ms. Fujioka, shall i examine your ankle?" Kyoya said, approaching the pair.

"Um....Yes,....Dr.Ootori." Alex said, looking at the ground. Kyoya kneeled down in front of Alex and examined her left ankle. He pressed on it gently and Alex cringed in pain, trying to hide it. This was the very first time she had been without her twin, so she had no idea how to act.

"It is at the very least, fractured. It could be broken too, though. I need to see how intense it is though. Nurse." He called out into the hallway. A young female entered the room. Kyoya pulled out a wheel chair, and helped Alex into it. "Please take this patient for immediate x-raying."

The Nurse nodded and pushed Alex out of the room. When they turned down a corner out of the hallway, Kyoya turned on his heels to face Hikaru.

"Hikaru. What exactly was going on between you and Alex...." His voice strained to keep calm.

Hikaru looked away from him. "I...I don't know what you're talking about, Kyoya." Hikaru feigned ignorance.

"I think you know exactly what i am talking about. But just in case, let me clarify." Kyoya fixed his glasses, and looked Hikaru directly in the eyes, full of rage.

"What sort of advances were you trying to make on Alex?! What was your desire to do in that moment to that girl!?" Kyoya practically yelled at Hikaru. Hikaru had never seen this side of him before. And suddenly Hikaru was angry too.

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