Chapter 6

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As Kyoya was leaving he walked past Hikaru and Kaoru. Wanting to push the knife in even deeper, he made a comment towards the twins. "I think i had a really good night tonight."

Hikaru and Kaoru glared at him.

"What do you mean, Ootori." Hikaru asked, refusing to use his first name.

"WelI, I got to kiss both Katt and Alex. I mean Kaoru, you chickened out when you had the chance to kiss Katt. Her lips were just so soft, and tender, and innocent when she pressed them against mine. Alex's too. Both so-"

Kaoru refused to let this mockery and harassment by Kyoya continue any longer. Kaoru threw a punch that hit Kyoya right in the jaw. Kyoya threw a punch back at him but it was blocked by Hikaru. They started a fight forgetting Alex and Katt were still in the room.

After hearing what Kyoya had to say, Katt realize what exactly happened in the closet with Alex and Kyoya.

"STOP IT!!!" Katt yelled to them. All three guys stop fighting immediately.

"Come on Alex we should go. I was right we can't trust anyone anymore." Katt said as she took her sisters hand and started to walk away.

But for the first time, Alex pulled back. She made her sister stop in her tracks.

"Alex? What's wrong? We should go now. " Katt tried to tug her again but Alex refused.

"For..... for the first time, in such a long time....I didn't feel like it was just us anymore. I could feel genuine kindness from those around us. I thought that maybe things would be different. But the world is just the same as the world we grew up in. But that doesn't mean that everyone in it is like that. I know that it's hard to learn to accept others. I know that. And sometimes... you shouldn't have trusted them in the first place." She looks over at Kyoya, who was still pinned to the ground under Hikaru and Kaoru. Tears rolled down her face. Kyoya looked back at her, and some part of him realized, that he wasn't gaining their affection. Only pushing them away, but that part was still overpowered by the rest of his desires.

"But that doesn't mean that you push everyone away! I hate being alone! I hate living in constant fear! Kattheren. What about Kaoru? Can you really push him out right now?"

"I......I don't know" Katt ran out of the room with tears in her eyes. 'I'm losing everyone that i care about. Even the one person that I thought I would never lose' Katt thought as she ran away. When she finally came to the abandoned building that her and Alex used as a place to hide from everything, she went inside and found something she never wanted to find here. In someway, she was happy because it was someone she knows will always be there even if they will not listen to what she has to say or doesn't always care about her but at least they were there.

"Hello father." Katt said.

"You ungrateful little BITCH!" Her father screams at her, forcing her down to the ground. "I wondered where the fuck you and your sister were when I refused to let you in the house, or when you wouldn't show up for day's at a time. Well. Now I finally got you."

"KATT!!!" Alex burst in with tears streaming down her face. She had known her sister would be here. She ran after her the second she had gone sprinting off. Alex stopped dead in her tracks, when she saw who was there, standing over Katt.

"Run Alex! NOW!" Katt screamed at her, as her father stomped on her back, beginning to crush her ribs.

"YOU! Get your ass over here this instant, or I swear to God I will kill Katt!" He screamed at Alex. Alex's face filled with complete and utter horror. She could never imagine a world without her twin. She began to walk over to her father's side.

"GO! Alex! What are you doing?! LEAVE!" Katt begged, knowing there was no way that she would be able to protect her this time.

"I can't. I won't leave you." Alex stood at her father's side, looking at the ground.

"Look me in the eyes this instant, you bitch." He screamed, placing a blade edge to her throat.

Alex looked up obediently. "There we go. Finally, I think I found a way for you to listen. Now then. What shall we do to you? Shall we muddle that disgusting face of yours, or shall i torment you through your body again?" He chuckled as he looked at Alex.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Katt yelled at her father.

"Yeah? And what if i don't? She certainly won't stop me. And you can't do anything, bitch. So..." He pushed his foot further into her spine. "Tell me what should we do now? I know."

With that the father drove a knight into Katt's arm, them walked over to Alex and started beating her. Hearing the cries of pain coming from Alex, Katt uses all the strength she has left and picks herself up and runs over to her father and punches him. This only made the dad angrier so he picked Katt up by her hair thats the knife and chopped off her hair. Katt falls to the ground with a thud and screams in pain. As their father raises the knife once more to break the flesh of Katt again, something physically stops his arm from moving. He looks back and two hands hold his arm in place. As he looks over his shoulder, he sees two red haired boys behind him, pissed.

"You dare lay your hands on something so pure and precious? Filthy." Kaoru growls at him.

"You wish to cause pain and scar such beauty, with your dirty hands? Disgusting." Hikaru adds.

"And to think." They say in unison "You think you can control such a precious thing as the loves of these two girls? You're an idiot."

With that, Kaoru takes the knife from his hand and throws it away from any of them. Hikaru then shoves the father away from the two girls, lying on the ground. They both become a barrier between this man and the two girls.

"You two Bastards! That's right. You were with these two WHORES! That's what they are! I know what you are after, but it's too late. They are broken beyond repair. So you can do what you want to them, but they will always come back to me." He laughed at the two men in front of him.

"I don't quite think that, is the situation, Mr.Fujioka." Kyoya says from behind him. He spins around to see Kyoya, along with the Ootori family police force behind him.

"You're not going to touch these girls from this point forward, nor will you be their legal guardian. You are also not allowed with 500 meters of them. So if you please, you will be escorted away from here, to the legal limit you are allowed." With that, the police force 'escorts' Mr. Fujioka out of the premises. The second that he is gone, Hikaru and Kaoru rush to Alex and Katt's sides. Hikaru picks up Alex's limp body into his arms, begging for her to wake up. Kaoru pulls Katt into his lap as her slowly coos, crying into her hair. he whispers soft "I'm sorry" 's and "I was so worried" into her ear as he sobbed.

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