Chapter 10

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The group sat in silence as Hikaru rubbed Alex's arm gently, trying to keep her from bursting into tears again. Alex gripped both Katt and Hikaru's hands tightly, trying to hold back her anxiety. Kaoru realized now why Katt was so use to holding back her emotions. Alex was so fragile and torn apart. He knew how intelligent Alex is by listening to her when it was just them, but seeing her now, like this, he realized that Hikaru has a lot more work ahead of him to bring back the girl she once must have been.

They stop directly in front of the girls house and Alex starts to hyperventilate. She squeezes Katt and Hikaru's hands tightly, before releasing them both, and essentially shutting herself off from them. Hikaru places his arm around her, to keep her close to his side. As they get out, the girls are standing in between the twins, Katt squeezing Alex's arm, to comfort her. But it would never help, with the sight that lay directly in front of them.

Outside the front of the house, stood the girls father, with their mother standing behind him. The father stood smirking with his arms across his chest. As the girls approached him he laughed loudly.

"I told you they would come back to me. They can't leave their dear father. They care too much for me." He stretched his arms out to grab the girls. Alex shut her eyes tightly,awaiting the grip of her father's large hands. But all they feels is a strong steady hand pushing her behind them. She opens her eyes to see Hikaru in front of her, holding her fathers wrist. Kaoru was half guarding Katt while Katt pulled out her knife. She had tears in her in her eyes but she refused to back down anymore

"You won't be laying a hand on either of these girls. We are here to grab their stuff, and then they will never see you again, got it? I suggest you go on a walk so you don't violate your restraining order any further." Hikaru threatens their father. The man stares at the three who are willing to stand up against him. He looks behind them for the one ray of hope he has. and he grins widely.

He pulls his arm away from Hikaru and walks behind the group. In a quick instant he grabs hold of Alex and pulls her to him so he back is pressed to him and his arm is across her body. Alex looked up in fear towards Hikaru. Her face was full of pure terror.

"I believe that this one here would beg to differ. She would never deny me. Isn't that right, Alex, Darling?" He said digging his nails into her neck. Alex cried out in pain and Hikaru lost it.

"You scumbag!! I'll kill you!" Hikaru lunged at the father, tearing his arm off of Alex and pulling her away from him. He is about to let go of Alex when he feels her cling tightly to his shirt. He can feel her small body trembling against him. He looked at the man who stood in shock, fear starting to inch it's way onto his face.

"Don't you ever touch my Girlfriend ever again! I swear, if you do, you're dead!" Hikaru spat at the man. The man backed up and scampered off.

The girls mother approached Alex and reached her arm out to her. "Don't you think that was a bit harsh on your fa-" Just before she touches Alex, Alex screamed at her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! Don't act like my mom or refer to him as my father! Neither of you were either of those! Go! NOW!" the mother flinched. She looked up at the man she clung to, and the look on his face. For the first time, she would be the one to back down from a fight with her daughter. She walked away, after the man.

Once she was out of sight, Alex nearly collapsed."That was so scary." Alex sighed. Hikaru caught her and kept her standing upright. Hikaru looked over at Kaoru and Katt, who stood there astonished.

"What? What is it?" Hikaru asked, confused.

Kaoru smiled at him. "Well. I never thought you would have had the courage to ask her out already, let alone defend her so outright." Kaoru pats his back "Well done!"

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