Chapter 7

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It has been a whole month since the attack on Katt and Alex. They were rushed to a hospital. Every day, the host club would visit the two girls, who would lie there not waking up. Today was exactly one month since the attack and the host club was almost to the hospital to see the girls. Occasionally, nurses would come in and out of the room to check on the status of both girls.

On this day, at some time around 4:00pm, one of the girls started to stir. Alex's head had began to move before her soft eyelashes fluttered open. Her entire body felt stiff as she tried to make sense of what was going on. She stared at the ceiling as she began to flex every muscle she could. When she tried to ball her hands into fists, she realized she held something in her right hand. She continued to flex her hand, to try to figure out what she held. She had a light grasp, but it was strong enough to roses a sleeping boy.

"Hmm...? What?" Hikaru lifted his head from beside Alex's shoulder. He looked down at his hand and saw the muscles moving in the girls small hand. "Alex?!" His head whipped to her face and saw her eyes were wide open. "Oh my God!!! ALEX!! Your awake!!"

Hikaru squeezed her hand back, tightly. Alex squeezed gently, but this action caused Hikaru to start crying.

"Thank God. Your finally awake..." He pressed his forehead to Alex's forearm. Alex tried to lift her head, but she was unable to, so her head simply dropped to the right side of her body. She saw Hikaru resting on her forearm, but just behind that she saw Kaoru sleeping beside her sisters limp body. She instantly started to panic. She couldn't remember what happened but seeing Katt like that, made her very scared. She tried to start lifting her upper body, while shouting her sisters name, but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Alex! Alex, just calm down!" Hikaru said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Just relax." Hikaru noticed her attempt to speak was silent. He reaches over and grabbed a glass of water.

"Let me help you sit up, slowly, Alex." He waited a second, before he slowly slipped his arm under her back and began to elevate her. Her body felt like a dead weight, but she tried her best to make it easier for Hikaru. When she sat up she saw piles and piles of roses, and lilies and tulips, and many more flowers scattered around the entire room. Hikaru looked at Alex's face and smiled softly. He bought the glass of water to her lips. He tipped it slowly gently letting the water trickle into her mouth. When she swallowed, her dry throat she hadn't realized was dry, was suddenly moisturized and gave such a relief that she hadn't realized needed to be relieved.

""Alex managed to get out. He looked at her and smiled so wide. He put the glass back down as he slowly placed her body back down.

"Yes Alex? I am right here." He responded, squeezing her hand.

"I....F...fee..l so.....ti...tired" Alex said, closing her eyes.

"It's alright. I will be right here. Go to sleep. Nothing will happen. I will protect you." Hikaru said, as she drifted off again.

A few minutes later Hikaru heard a noise coming from Katts bed, he immediately wakes Kaoru up and as he did Katt wakes up screaming.

"Katt! Katt, its ok, calm down" Kaoru said. As he tries to calm her down she sees her sister asleep on the bed beside her.

"Alex. Alex!" Katt screams trying to get out of the bed and over to Alex.

Kaoru holds her shoulders in place. "Please calm down!!! She is fine!! Calm down Katt!" Kaoru begged her.

"She woke up a little while ago Katt. She was just as worried about you. Please try to keep calm. She is only sleeping now." Hikaru reassured her, smiling. He was so happy that they are both awake. He returned to his chair, beside Alex and slips his hand into hers. He turns her hand over and kissed it, before he rests his head beside her again.

Katt turned to Kaoru, memories flooding back of the last time she was awake. She lifted her hand and brushed her neck, where her hair once covered. It was gone. She trailed her hand further up, and near the base of her skull is where she finally felt her soft hair sitting. She had no idea how to feel. She was both very upset, but also somewhat relieved. She also remembers what happened right before she ran off to that building. How badly she treated Kaoru. She looked at his bright smiling face. He lifted his hand to run his hand through her hair (or what's left of it) and smiled even more. He still sat here, with her. From what it looked like, he had never left her side. She started to cry softly.

"Katt...Shhhh. It's okay. I am right here. What's wrong?" He said, brushing the tears away from her eyes.

"Wh-Why are you still here? I.....I tr-treated you ter-terribly...S-so why a-are you st-still h-here?" She sobbed, looking at him, confused.

Kaoru laughed lightly. He stood up and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Think you can chase me away that easily? You've got it wrong. I won't ever leave you alone. I will always be here for you." He lean down and kissed both of her eyes, taking the salty tears away "Now please stop crying. Because I can't stop smiling. I can finally hear your voice again." Kaoru smiled brightly at her.

Katt gave him a weak smile back, and nodded. Katt finally believed that it didn't have to be just her and Alex anymore. Maybe she could let someone in...completely.

A few a minutes later the door opens, and in comes the rest of the host club. They see Katt awake and not Alex.

"Katt you're awake. Has Alex woken up yet?" Tamaki asked

"She woke up a few minutes ago, but then went to sleep" Hikaru explained, refusing to get up and greet them so he could stay by her side.

"Well its good that they both woke up" Kyoya said.

"K.....Katt" Alex said softly as she woke up and saw her sister.

"Alex! Your ok!" Katt said, excited to see her sister again. Kaoru had to practically hold Katt down so that she didn't get out of the bed to hug her fragile sister. Even though they both had a lot of pain done onto them, the Hitachiins notices that Katt recovered much faster than Alex.

As the girls sit in bed and talk with the club members, they have a lot of fun. Tamaki rains commoner treats down on the girls, huni brings them both a piece of cake, more flowers are added to the piles, and more patts their heads gently.

As the day comes to a close they must say goodbye to the girls. Alex looks at Hikaru.

"Aren't you and Kaoru going to head home too?" Alex asked, smiling gently at him.

"Go home? We haven't left the hospital since you entered. We are still having our attendance and assignments for class being done, but i don't think either of us could leave either of you." Hikaru smiles, looking over at Kaoru "Right?"

Kaoru smiled and kisses Katt's hand "Exactly"

Kyoya coughed, announcing his presence.

The Hitachiin twins look over at him and glare.

"It's not what you think. I didn't come here to start anything." He walked to the middle of the two beds where Katt and Alex laid. Kyoya kneeled, crossing his arm over his chest. "I am truly sorry for what I had done to both of you. I only wish to reconcile with both you girls, and both Hikaru and Kaoru too." Kyoya remained on his knees as he spoke.

Kaoru got up and placed a hand on his shoulder. Kyoya rises and shakes Kaoru's hand. "This doesn't mean I will forget what you did. But I will acknowledge you repenting for it." Kaoru responded.

Kyoya nods. "that is all i ask for."

Hikaru was hesitant but he shakes Kyoya's hand too.

"And with that, I shall take my leave." Kyoya walks to the door. He turns once and bows once more. "Audeau." And with that, Kyoya took his leave.

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