Chapter 2:

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So, this took a while to come out and the reason for that is because Tears of the Kingdom is obviously out now.

So that means all the lore made up about the Zonai here are wrong.

And I can't change it so it better fits with the lore Tears of the Kingdom established.

The reason this took so long cause I really didn't know what to do for a while.

I still do want to continue this story, but it's completely wrong lore-wise.

So, maybe this could be an alternate universe with my own version of the Zonai, or should I just scrap this?

You guys tell me what you want.

The blade of your spear clashed with the blade of Urbosa's scimitar before you both jumped back.

You wasted no time and charged towards her and upon getting close you attempted to swipe at her, but she ducked under it and swung her blade at your feet, but you jumped just in time to avoid it.

While in the air you attempted to slam your Spear down on Urbosa but the Gerudo leader was quick enough to dodge to the side and bash you aside with her shield.

This sent you flying back.

However, you managed to perform a backflip and land feet first on the ground and skid back.

Without hesitation you charged at her once again and proceeded to perform a spear thrust.

Urbosa brought up her shield and the tip of your spear struck it right in the center.

Much to Urbosa's and the Gerudo spectator's surprise, your attack had enough force to make the Gerudo Chief skid back a few feet her shield still raised.

"Such strength." Urbosa thought surprised, especially given your thin frame.

Now, she could tell you weren't physically weak, but that attack certainly packed more of a punch than she expected.

She had to admit, it was impressive.

Suddenly she saw you toss your spear directly at her and reacting quickly she bashed it into the sky with her shield.

That was just a distraction however as that left her open for you to run in and deliver a swift kick to her stomach.

This launched her back a few feet while you quickly grabbed your spear as it fell back down to quickly attack again.

You attempted to thrust your spear at her, only to have the Gerudo chief deflect it with her scimitar making you stumble back.

You quickly found your footing and performed a spin slash which was countered by Urbosa shield.

You jumped back and dug your spear into the ground before slashing upwards.

This sent sand directly into Urbosa's eyes and as a result she let out a grunt and stumbled back.

To some this may be dishonorable tactic, but honestly it shouldn't, it's using the environment to one's advantage, it's just battling smart.

With Urbosa blinded you jumped into the air, spear raised to perform a downward slam.

Despite her vision having been lost the Gerudo Chief's battle instincts were as sharp as ever.

She quickly extended her leg upward and as a result you received a hard kick to the gut knocking the wind out of you.

Warrior of an Ancient Race: (Male Zonai Reader x Age of Calamity) Where stories live. Discover now