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Dream's pov

My eyes flutter open to see light peeking through the white curtains. I flick my gaze to the clock.


I never wake up this late what happened?

I shoot up out of bed, making my way downstairs. I enter the large kitchen to see George already up.

"Hey gorgeous." He says with a smirk. He pushes himself away from the wall.
"Hey sexy." I reply with a wider smirk. I see him flush slightly, causing me to giggle.

Completely losing control of myself, I walked over to him, keeping my eyes on his.

I gently place a hand in the middle of his chest, pushing him into the wall. I stand staring down into his dark brown eyes before crashing my lips onto his.

Our mouths move in perfect sync as his arms snake around my neck, pulling us closer. My hands cup his face as I lightly nip at his bottom lip.

This is what I needed.

This is what I craved.

George is a drug and I'm addicted.

Everything about it felt so real. Too real.


I shot up in my bed. It wasn't real. It was too good to be true. Sweat coated my body and my eyes flicked to the clock.


I slowly got up and stepped out onto my balcony. I needed some air. As I shut the door behind me, a beautiful set of stars painted the sky. It was a crescent moon tonight. The moon peeked out of two small clouds, brightening the sky even more.

I looked out to the horizon and saw a luscious emerald forest in the distance. I couldn't help but wish that George was here with me.

I imagined the stars lighting up his gorgeous face as he looked at me with a loving smile. I imagined the glow of his chocolate eyes full of adoration.

My mind went back to the dream I had had not too long ago. It had felt so real. I knew myself too well to be sure that I was bound to do something stupid.

Secrets I have held in my heart,
Are harder to hide than I thought.

I thought back to the night we met. When I saw him enter the room. The way he looked back at me with wonder. I couldn't place whether it was just a simple admiration or if I was falling for him.

I prayed that it was just a simple admiration that meant nothing. One that would simply vanish.

Another part of me prayed that it was love.

Love that wouldn't go away.


George's pov

Two weeks had passed and not much had happened. I went to a lot of meetings and interviews but other than that nothing happened.

I had been to the club but not every day like before. Dream always refused to let me go but some nights I managed to convince him. My 'pretty privilege' as he called it, worked on him every time.

We hadn't talked much other than a few questions or requests here and there. It began to seem like he was avoiding me every chance he got.

I hate to say it but it upset me slightly. He always left me wondering if I had done something wrong. It got to the point where I started to request more simple things just to have his attention. Just to speak to him.

I hadn't gone a day without him crossing my mind in some way. I hadn't known him long but he wasn't as annoying as I first thought. He was far from that.

The same few thoughts circled my messy mind.

What is going on?

Am I going insane?

Do I love him?

Does he love me?

I had decided to go on a walk to clear my mind instead of the club and I wanted him with me. I didn't quite know why but I knew I did.

I threw on a simple hoodie that I found on the sofa with some jeans. I put some things in my hoodie pocket before going to Dream's room. I knocked lightly incase he was sleeping.

A small shuffle came from his room before the door swung open. "You okay?" He asked with a deep voice, looking confused. His hair was messy along with his clothes. He had just been sleeping.
"Yeah, you wanna go on a walk with me?" I asked, quieter than I meant to.

"Uhh sure, one sec." He closed the door as I made my way to the kitchen, leaning myself against the counter. Thoughts Dream filled my mind once again. He looked so gorgeous. I loved how messy his hair was.

I want to be the one to mess it up.

The sudden sound of Dream's voice cut through my thoughts like a knife. "Ready?" He was in a simple white t shirt, light grey jeans and a green and white flannel. Just the sight of him swept me off my feet.



We walked down the dusty beige path, walking towards an emerald forest. I used to love coming here when I felt down or stressed, well that was before I found the club.

I pulled out some black earbuds from my pocket. "You want one?" I offered. He didn't reply, instead he just stared down at the path in front of him. He looked so lost in thought. I couldn't place what was bothering him.

Had I done something?

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