Lemon symbolism

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The simple, humble, lemon. One game caused millions of people to develop a hatred for lemons. There is some interesting symbolism behind the names and personalities of Ms LemonS

The Lemon is a symbol of longevity, purification, love, and friendship, and other times it is seen to be symbolic of bitterness and disappointment.

Lorelai is the form that comes our after stabbing Ms LemonS. The name Lorelai means; Murmuring rock/Lie in wait

Lilith is the gray sorta voidish form. The name Lilith means; Monster of the night. {Monster is to accurate}

Lamia is the irritated and bloody form. Lamia means Shining/Radiant

Luxia is the form who you get into a boss fight with. The name Luxia is derived from the word Lux meaning Light

Louise, the real name of Ms LemonS, means renowned warrior 

Fun fact! According to a google article I skimmed Lemons can be purple, red, or grey- like some of Ms LemonS forms

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