Amanda's true past

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The official Amanda the Adventurer game is out and oh boy, there is a lot of lore! 

In the game we learn that Amanda the Adventurer was made by a man named Sam Colton and the show was inspired by his daughter Rebecca who, if you payed attention to the tape credits, is the voice of Amanda in-universe.

Some of Amanda's voice lines rubbed me WAY off which is what started this spiral I went down. Through the colored tapes we learn;

Sam Colton went missing then the show turned creepy and more demonic and honestly he probably died out in the middle of nowhere

Rebecca as doing vocal warmups with, who I can only assume is, an employ at Hamlen, the studio that owns Amanda and Sam seemed very concerned and didn't want Rebecca to do that even though she was saying pretty simple and kid-friendly words and vocal warmups are very important in the performance industry. Sam probably has trust issues with his colleagues and is very protective of Rebecca

Little Rebecca signed a contract with a man all by herself in some kind of facility, probably with Satan going by the fact after watching all the basic tapes your greeted by a demon.

Sam was on a talk show and apparently something bad happened to Rebecca as a child before Sam adopted her.

In the Petting Zoo tape, after typing in rooster to Amanda's question she says; "sometimes mommies eat there babies" then a hen ate 1 of her 3 chicks. My brain immediately screamed "HER BIRTH MOM WAS A CANNIBAL" after hearing that. 

In that same tape a sad, lonely, lost kitten appears and Amanda is very sympathetic towards the kitty and if we don't help the lonely kitten she'll start crying for us to help it. The kitten makes another appearance in the Everything Rots tape and Amanda says it could die before anyone can help it. This kitten is a representation of Rebecca as a child who was probably left out on the street until Sam found her.

Mr. Fox is another reoccurring character in the tapes; Everything rots and We can Share. At first I thought Mr. Fox was Rebecca's birth father but then another idea popped into my head. Mr. Fox is Sam Colten- he was killed by the same demon who posessed Rebecca.

Throughout the tapes the more spaced-out, less animated, more human sounding, and sad Amanda is the real Rebecca breaking free like she said in the final tape she is out there in the real world

But what about Wooly? 

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