3rd Test

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In Project UroburoS you see that there are 3 people who were tested on. After doing WAY to many research into fruit I got it.

The 3rd game in this fruit timeline is likely going to be the form of Marine, since this whole mess was for her. 

The name Marine means 'of the sea', so I searched up fruits from the ocean and found out about sea apples and sea peaches.

It's not likely the 3rd game will be about Mrs. AppleS since the devs don't have characters share colors; Mr. TomatoS being red with pink and bright blue backgrounds and Ms. LemonS being yellow with a gray and blue background.

Mrs. PeachS would make the most sense to me since it is a more common fruit like lemons and tomatoes and it fits with the current character color scheme.

Mrs. PeachS will have multiple forms and probably have one that drives the player crazy. Her gameplay would probably be in a house doing some kind of chores like washing dishes, folding clothes, making lunch, as the game goes on she'd make things more complex.

As Matpat theorized we'd probably have to go back to Mr. TomatoS in the 3rd game to eat out the vessel code and set everyone free

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