Don't trust Wooly

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Wooly is an even bigger mystery than Amanda. Wooly does not have a voice actor mentioned at all in the tape credits. Wooly is painted as the good guy and Amanda is the bad guy. 

After setting a fire during the first tape you play through a messed up Neighborhood tape. Amanda acts all confused and zoned out throughout the tape- It's her true self breaking through like I mentioned earlier.

And that's where my trust issues with this fluffy little thing began.

When you continue to pick the wrong card in the store Rebecca comes out and is very sad. If Wooly really was a good guy he'd try to save Rebecca- No, he didn't do that he let the show continue and twisted the story so he could celebrate his birthday which is what turns Rebecca back into the animated demon Amanda.

Wooly is self aware of the show. He probably knows what happened to Sam and Rebecca. He was either friends with Amanda as co-stars or sucked into the TV as another victim of the tapes. We know nothing about the real Wooly we just know the cute sheep on the screen.

At the petting zoo, after Amanda puts Wooly in the pen, Rebecca seems to take the reigns- bit of an odd coincidence. 

Another odd coincidence is Wooly trying to talk Amanda out of sending the package to Kate. This package may literally be the puzzles in the game or the right tapes to end it all but Wooly dosen't want that. His facial expression when you answer wrong looks more like a 'don't tell her' than a 'she's mad' kinda face if you ask me. He looks so upset were sending Kate the keys to destroy the demon

In the normal store tape when the candy store turns into the meat store for a split second if you pause someone's gameplay at the perfect time you can see Amada gagging but Wooly is completely unfazed by the meat store. You'd think the devs would give Wooly the same pose as when you say you like mutton pie at the meat store. 

Wooly may actually be either working for or the actual demon who took over the show and is forcing the innocent Rebecca to become the evil Amanda and paint the real mastermind as the innocent sheep. Wolf in sheep's clothing at the most literal sense. 

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