Bonnie's Posters

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In the new DLC upon playing endless baking mode you unlock 5 missing posters. The interesting thing is- we get potential backstory from the devs themselves. In an April fools video they make a joke dating sim which names and describes the missing characters.

The red haired man is Ron Gaceta, a pro food critic

The woman in brown is Abby Brunnet, a delivery truck driver

The person with short brown hair is Lea Bodegg, a childhood best friend

The purple and white haired man is Abe Pardon, a detective

While you normal people would take this as a joke- I think I'm onto something.

My theory is that those 4 characters was Bonnie's family. She does mention her family going missing before she finds the animal town.

Ron and Abby may be her mother and father. If Ron is Bonnie's father then it may be where her baking passion came from. Lea may actually be Bonnie's childhood friend who is likely a bit older then Bonnie going off the posters.

Abe is the one character that might be the father of our protagonist in night mode since he is a detective who dressed in purple like the protag. Abe isn't the protag since Abe is a man who wears glasses and our protag doesn't have glasses and has been given female pronouns.

The fact they all went missing is a bit perplexing. I don't think it was Bonnie since her notes indicate a bunny was her first ever victim by the sounds of it.

Here is a potential story; The Lea, Ron, and Abby may have all witnessed/got involved in a horrible crime and had to all disappear. Abe went into proper witness protection since he's a detective. Bonnie was either forgotten or to young to remember what happened. The crime they all witnessed may have involved cannibalism in some way which is what gave young, impressionable Bonnie the idea. Bonnie probably was searching for her family for a while then she found the animal town and started the events on the game.

Bingus side note: To unlock Bingus mode you enter a church where an injured rabbit gives you a clue to unlock the level. This rabbit may be a nod to the rabbit who was Bonnie's first victim. I have seen some people say Bingus is some psychological representation of Bonnie in some way- I disagree since the Developer's intent with Bingus was just a meme for the trolls 

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