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This was requested by KeefeFoster4life

She wanted Sokeefe and Tiana one shot.

Sophie must be called Blushy

Tam must be called Shady

Biana must be called Sparklyness

Background info:

Takes place after Stellarlune, so Sophie and Keefe are already dating.

Here it is, lmk what you think!

"Ready for our date later?" Keefe asked, coming up behind Sophie, only to discover that she was asleep, and hadn't heard him. Study hall had just ended, but apparently, his girlfriend thought leaving the school was beneath her. "Foster," he said, gently shaking her.

"Wha?" Sophie said, awakening.

"School just ended. And most people LEAVE after that happens. Not nap on their notebooks."

"Oh... oops."

"Well, are you excited for our date later?"

"I told you, it's not a date. Biana is coming, and she'll already feel like a third wheel. It'll be worse if you call it a date. It's just us three going out as friends."

"Right. Y'know, she could invite someone to come. Then it would be a double date."

"I'm not sure if she likes anyone, but I'll tell her. I gotta go find her so we can get ready now. I'll see you soon," Sophie said, walking through the crowd of prodigies to find her friend. Biana was an expert in all things hair and makeup, and Sophie was NOT, so Biana was going to help her get ready.

"Hey, Soph!" Biana said, suddenly appearing just behind Sophie.

"Ahh! You scared me. Ready to go?"

"Yup. Just wait, u have so many ideas on how to do your hair..." Sophie wouldn't admit it, but she kinda drowned Biana out after she started describing the different updos she could do on Sophie's hair. "So what do you think?"

"Oh, uh... just something simple. You're the expert."

"Ok. I think I know which one I'll do." They leaped to Biana's house and ran up to her room.

"So what's been going on in your life recently?" Sophie asked, trying to talk to Biana while she picked out a bunch of dresses from her closet in Sophie's size.

"Uh, not much. There's a new blush at this one place on Atlantis that I want to try."

"I wasn't talking about new makeup. Do you like anyone?"

"What? Why would you think that?" Biana said, a little too quickly.

"Ok. Who is it?" Sophie asked. Biana turned cherry red.

"Promise not to tell him?"

"Pinky promise."

"It's Tam."

"Aww, you two would be such a cute couple. Why don't you ask him to come tonight? Keefe suggested it. If you bought someone, it would be like a double date."

"Should I? I don't want to make it weird between us if he doesn't like me back."

"Yes. Ask him to come tonight. That way if it's too weird for you two, me and Keefe will be there to make it better."

"Ok. I'll hail him." She picked up her imparter and took a deep breath. "Show me Tam." Dex had programmed their imparters to jot require Tam's last name since he disowned his parents.

"Biana? What's up?" Tam asked, picking up his imparter.

"I... uh... I wanted to be honest with you," she said nervously.

"What is it?"

"I've liked you for a while now. I... just thought I should tell you." It was quiet for a moment. Biana was nuclear red, and even Tam looked like he was blushing a little.

"I like you too," he said after an awkward silence.


"Yeah. I was just to scared to say anything."

"Wow... well, would you like to go on a double date with Sophie?"

"Sure. When is it?"


"Ok. Where is it?"

"That new place in Atlantis. Keefe got a reservation."

"Ok. I'll see you there." He hung up the imparter, and Biana danced around her room, celebrating.

"He likes me back!!!"

"Yes! Now we really have to get ready, there's like twenty minutes left."

"Uh oh. How did that take so long?"

"I don't know. But I'll just skip makeup."

"Nope. Come on you wear this dress, then start brushing your hair." By some miracle, they were both ready on time, though they got to the restaurant just in time.

"Aww, Foster, that dress is so cute on you," Keefe said. Sophie turned red. "Should I stack with Foster, or start calling you Blushy?"

"Shut up," Sophie said, turning even redder. Then Tam leaped in.

"Wait, why is Mr. Shady here?" He asked.

"I invited him. It's a double date now," Biana told him, running out to talk to Tam.

"Please be nice to him for ONE night?" Sophie begged.

"Only if he's nice to me."

"Hey Sophie," Tam said. "Funkyhair."

"Bangs Boi," Keefe retorted.

"Stop it. You two are going to be NICE to each other tonight," Biana said.

"Fine. But only for you," Tam said. The group went to their table and ordered their food.

"I just realized something!" Keefe said after a while.

"What is it?" Sophie asked.

"Biana doesn't have a nickname! I vote Princess Pretty."

"How about Sparklyness?" Tam suggested.

"I love it!" Biana exclaimed. "From now on, I'm Sparklyness."

"You got it," Keefe said.

The food was all delicious, and Keefe and Tam managed to get along the whole time. Sophie and Keefe left before Biana and Tam did.

"I'm really glad you made the first move," Tam told Biana. "You're so brave. I wouldn't have been able to do that."

"I'm just glad you like me back." She smiled, which made Tam smile. They leaned in and had their first kiss together. It felt amazing. They were both so happy together.

That's it. Sorry, the ending is so sudden. (I'm not using bold bc my phone hates me.) Also sorry this took so long. I had one thing written, then I decided I hated it and had to start over. But it's out now, so KeefeFoster4life I hope you enjoyed it. (Also, for everyone who doesn't already, go follow her, she's amazing!) Please leave more requests for mea this was a lot of fun.

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