Fedex (and others)

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I had no ideas for this, but I needed a break from my other writing, so here I am. Raredforever was the one who requested it. 

Also, sorry if it's not great, I don't ship it. 

Requierments were: 

Body swap AU 

Elwin tampers with the locks on the lockers at Foxfire, to make you switch bodies with your soulmate. 

(I changed it a little, but that's how I planned it. Hope that's ok) 

So... story. 

Fitz walked to his locker, ignoring everyone screaming and acting like idiots. He figured that there was some new celebrity. He didn't really care. If it was important, Sophie would tell him about it. 

"FITZ HELP!!!" Tam screamed, running up to him. Ok, this was weird. Tam never acted like this. 

"What do you want Tam?" He asked. 

"It's not Tam! It's Biana! I tried to open my locker, and I was in Tam's body!" 

"Yeah, right. This is some sort of prank, isn't it?" 

"No, it's not! I don't know what happened!" 

"Yeah, right." 

"There you are," Biana said, appearing out of nowhere. "I'd like you to please give my body back." 

"YOU'RE IN MY BODY!!!" Tam screamed. 

"And you're in mine! You are Biana, right?" 

"Yes. Are you Tam?" 

"Yes. So we switched bodies?" 

"Seriously, this prank isn't funny. You guys can drop the act," Fitz said.

"This isn't a prank! Everyone at Foxfire is switching bodies with another person. I don't know what's happening!" Tam said. 

"FITZ HELP, I'M IN SOPHIE'S BODY!!!" Sophie screamed, running up to join everyone else. 

"Seriously, Sophie? You're in on this too?" Fitz said, exasperated. His friends didn't know when to stop the jokes. 

"No, it's me! Keefe!" 

"Come on. I don't buy it." That's when he saw Keefe running down the hallway to join them. 

"KEEFE, KEEFE, KEEFE!!! I'M IN YOUR BODY!!!!!" Keefe screamed. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?!?!" Sophie screeched. She ran over to fix his hair. The best part was when she had to try to pull his shoulders down so she could fix the top. "Gah! Sophie, why do you have to be so short?" 

"It's not my fault!" 

"Seriously, everyone, stop pretending. Nothing is happening," Fitz complained. 

"I can prove it," Keefe said. "I'm your cognate in Sophie's body. Ask me something only I would know." 

"Ok, what was the first secret I told you when we started cognate training?" 

"You told me about Mr. Snuggles," she replied. As far as Fitz knew, Sophie hadn't told anyone about that. Everyone only found out when they all went to join the Black Swan. 

"Ok, looks like this thing is real. Quick question, why did everyone seem to think that I could fix it?" Everyone unanimousy shrugged. "So how did it happen?" 

"I licked my locker, like usual, then a few minutes later, I was in Biana's body," Biana- Tam said. 

"Huh. It happened right away for me," Biana said. 

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