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So, I honestly didn't have any ideas for this one, and it doesn't really line up with the cannon bc Harry only told Ginny that he liked her at the end of The Half-blood Prince, and then he didn't go to Hogwarts during The Deathly Hallows. And I want it to be at Hogwarts. So I'll pretend that there's no more Moldy-Voldy and Harry's in his seventh year. Most dead characters are still dead, so no Dumbledore (=( ), but I decided to bring Lupin and Tonks back, and maybe a few others later, and I just won't mention much of the actual plot. Also, Lupin came back to teach DADA.

Requested by:

KOTLCFanfiction101 and GryffindorDemigodElf


At Hogwarts, but the houses get along

Muggle-borns and half-bloods introduce purebloods to Wattpad and fanfiction

This took a while bc I didn't really have any ideas. Sorry.

Also, I'm American, not British, so I'm going to use American spellings and words, even if they were British in the books.

Well, here it is.

Harry looked in the mirror. It was still strange being just a normal kid at Hogwarts when Voldemort wasn't trying to attack the school to get to him. He had never really been normal at all. And he was probably even LESS normal than he had been last year since he had defeated Voldemort, the Wizarding World's greatest villain over the summer.

Thinking back, this year was only the second time had gotten to watch the new first years get sorted.

In his first year, he was the one getting sorted.

In his second, he and his best friend, Ron, had flown a car to Hogwarts instead of taking the train, then crashed it and missed the ceremony.

In his third year, he had been getting fussed over by Madam Pomphrey since he had failed during a dementor attack on the train.

He got to watch it in his fifth year.

In his sixth year, he almost didn't make it off the train since his nemesis, Draco Malfoy, had stunned him and covered him up with his invisibility cloak. Sure, he HAD been the one spying on him, but still! He had almost missed Hogwarts! And he had been correct, and Malfoy WAS a Death Eater, one of Voldemort's followers. Though he hadn't gotten the proof during that particular encounter...

Whatever. Today was Hogsmeade weekend. Harry had a date with his girlfriend, Ginny. And most of the surviving Order of the Phoenix members were coming, after he had some alone time with Ginny in The Hog's Head. The Three Broomsticks was always too crowded. He tried, in vain, one last time to make his hair lie flat, then walked out to the common room.

Ron and Hermione were sitting on one of the couches, talking. They had been dating for a while. Soon, Ginny came down the steps from the girls' dormitory, looking beautiful as ever. Her long ginger hair fell perfectly framing her face, which was covered in freckles.

"You ready to go yet?" She asked Harry.

"Yeah. I am. Let's go," he said to Ron and Hermione. They all got up and left to go to Hogsmeade.

Ron pulled Hermione off to Honeydukes's to get some sweets, while Harry and Ginny kept walking. The Hog's Head was a little out of the way, but since it was run by Aberforth Dumbledore, the Order members liked it.

Professor Dumbledore had been their leader, until he was killed at the end of the last year by Professor Snape for very complicated reasons. In fact, if he had lived through the war, Snape would probably be meeting them there. In the end, he was a hero. They walked into the inn, which smelled of dust, as usual.

"Hello Aberforth," Harry said, greeting the old innkeeper. (A/N: It's been a while, so I'm pretending that Harry and Aberforth became friends after the war. It's much book, deal with it.)

"Nice to see you, Harry. What can I get you two?" Aberforth asked.

"Two butterbeers please," Ginny ordered.

"Here you are," he said, giving them the drinks. They moved to a table near the back, and started sipping their drinks.

"How's studying for you N.E.W.T.s going?" Ginny asked.

"Let's just say that without Hermione, I'd probably be very lost."

"You know that it doesn't matter what you get? You defeated Voldemort. You're the Chosen One. The ministry would be insane not to hire you. In fact, I'd reckon there are quite a few wizards who would happily elect you Minister of Magic." Harry wanted to be an auror, a person who rounded up dangerous witches and wizards.

"I don't want to be Minister of Magic."

"That wasn't my point."

"I know. I just want to do something normal for once in my life. Take the test like everyone else. Except for the O.W.L.s, I've never even taken a final here. Something always gets in the way. From being on the Hospital Wing because I almost died in my first year, the Triwizard Tournament, and a bunch of other things, I've just been omitted almost every time. Do you know what you're doing after Hogwarts?"

"I want to keep playing quitich. Maybe with the Hollywood Harpies? They're my favorite team."

"You'd be a brilliant quitich player."

"I know I would," she said dramatically. Harry leaned in and kissed her. 

Then the Order members started filing in. Harry and Ginny split up to talk to them. Soon, everyone was there. And the general consensus was that Harry should make a speech. 

"Right, well, I'll start by saying that I couldn't have defeated Voldemort without all of you, so, thank you. And here's a toast to the ones who didn't make it," Harry said, thinking of all the ones who were lined up in the Great Hall. With that, they all drank, and started to talk to each other. 

Everyone wanted to talk to Harry, so he didn't force himself to stay in a single conversation. He just sort of... drifted around. 

"Yeah, there's this one cool app called Wattpad," Seamus was saying. 

"Erm, what are you talking about?" Harry asked him. 

"Muggle social media. It's actually not too bad. Like I was saying, I'm on an app called Wattpad. The writers on there are amazing, and it's a great community. And you can be weird about a bunch of stuff, and nobody cares. I just can't tell them I'm a wizard." 

"Sounds fun," Harry said, drifting to another conversation. After quite a while, it was time for the Hogwarts students to get back to the castle, so everyone said their goodbyes, and the students started back towards Hogwarts. 

"Well, that was certainly fun," Ginny said. 

"It was," Hermione said. "Maybe we can do it again. Seamus told me about a bunch of new apps to try." 

"I'm going to have to hear about them too, won't I?" Ron asked. 

"Don't be such a baby. You can deal with me talking about a few muggle apps. They do know what they're talking about sometimes." 

Harry smiled, glad that they were able to mess around like this. Glad that Voldemort was gone. Glad that he could be a normal kid. Glad for his friends. Just glad. 

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