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Requested by GryffindorDemigodElf

Sorry if I got the ship names wrong, I've never heard any of them be used.

She wanted a soulmate AU with Avery and Grayson (Grayvery) and a Max x Xander (Maxander) one with exploding Rube Goldberg machines. So I'm combining them.

It's from Grayson's POV.

Also, I'm very sorry if this isn't good. I've always been Team Jameson. But I'll try my best.

Background info:

Takes place after The Hawthorne Legacy, but the party is about the same as the one in The Final Gambit.

To find your soulmate, both people have to answer some questions that you get when you turn 18. But if one person doesn't do it, then you don't get to meet each other.

Here it is, hope you enjoy it.

"Happy birthday, Avery," I say, giving her my gift. A beautifully engraved knife.

"Thanks, Grayson, but what made you decide to get me a knife?" Avery asks. It hurts that she doesn't like my gift, but I won't let her see it. I'm stronger than that.

"You live in the world of the rich now. You need to defend yourself. And I figured you might prefer this knife to the one Nash gave you to defend yourself with. It will serve the same purpose, but look better while doing it. You could even carry both of them, in case one happens to get stolen or something."

"Oh. Well, thanks. I have to go to school now."

"I'll see you later, then. Though I do have one question."

"What is it?"

"Are you going to answer your questions? You're turning 18, so you'll get them today."

"Yeah. I'll do them later. Has your soulmate answered theirs yet?" Avery had been the one to insist that I answer my soulmate questions since it would help me move on from Emily. Well, it turns out my soulmate must have been just as skeptical about the system as I was because I haven't gotten the notice that it was time for us to meet yet.

"No. And that's probably a good thing. I have enough on my plate. I don't need to worry about making any relationships."

"That attitude is exactly why I made you answer the questions."

"Shouldn't you be headed to school?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later, Gray." I sigh. Avery is the only person outside of the family that can call me that.

"Gray, I've been looking for you," Jameson says, walking over to me.

"What is it, Jamie?"

"It's Avery's 18th birthday. And since she'll murder me if I stay home to help, I'm pitting you in charge of helping Alisa plan the party."

"You do realize that a big Hawthorne-style party is the LAST thing Avery would want on her birthday?"

"I already worked it out with Oren. Alisa will make a huge list of very important guests, but he'll only clear trustworthy family and close friends." The word trustworthy was meant to exclude Richard, Avery's dad, and Skye, our mother.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Talk with Libby, and make plans with Alisa like you actually expect about two hundred people to show up."

"Fine. Now go to school." I have too much work to do, but a promise is a promise. And it's for Avery.

*time skip to when Avery gets home*

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