Ayla isn't Alive

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Author's Note

This story may be a bit hard to follow and that's due to combining the FitzSimmons time travel storyline from Season 5 of Agents of Shield along with the Aida and the Framework storyline from Season 4. In addition to that is the conclusion to the Hand storyline from the Marvel Defenders Universe (formerly Marvel Netflix Universe) that concluded with the Marvel TV Series Defenders along with the Agent Kallus spying on the Empire as the new Fulcrum while Thrawn pursues him storyline from Season 3 of Star Wars Rebels.

I'm hoping this chapter will bring these three different storylines into clear focus. It'll have plenty of surprises and this will give the character Jessica Jones more opportunities to interact with more characters than her canon counterpart in the show Marvel Defenders. Please comment on anything you read good or bad because your opinions can help improve the story. The goal of Rebel Defenders will be to create shocking changes to set up future stories in this series. This is Book 4 of a 12 book series.

"Jessica, Jessica wait. Don't go. I know what you just saw is crazy but we can't give up. There's too much at stake." Luke insisted

It started to rain and Jessica stopped and turned toward Luke but she still wasn't interested in staying at the restaurant.

"That's the understatement of the century. That Kung fu billionaire was doing something straight out of a horror movie. And there's all this talk about extra dimensional energy and altering reality. What the galaxy am I supposed to do with that Luke?!"

"Filter out all the mystical energy stuff and you're left with one simple fact... Many people in New York/Lothal are going to get hurt if we do nothing."

"Not you." Jessica replied skeptically

"It's not about me. You might want to try taking on a selfless perspective." Luke chastised

"Give me a break." Jessica retorted walking away

"Jessica wait...I didn't mean it like that. I'm willing to go along with this crazy stuff if it means using my power to prevent people from getting hurt."

"You should know by now that's not me. I just want to find answers on how to find Ayla. I'm not going to do that playing Jedi or playing superhero. I need to do this as a detective."

"I get it. I just..." Luke couldn't finish stumbling over his words

"I got your message from Malcolm and I'd like to catch up over a drink when this is all over. It was good seeing you again. Hopefully I don't see you on the Holo Net News in a superhero costume." Jessica joked

"Jessica wait," Luke called out and Jessica stopped turning around, "I'd like to catch up too. A lot has happened that I wanna fill you in on but for now take care of yourself. It was...it was...good seeing you again."


March 2015

"I'm just like Grant Ward." Fitz said stunned

He sat on the bed inside the containment module staring at the wall. He killed an innocent woman and did unspeakable evil acts for Hydra inside the Framework. Fitz never thought he was capable of such evil yet he knew the scientific advances he made within the Framework outweighed the moral lines he crossed to achieve such advances. Hot shame caused him to sweat and fear was visible on his face.

"How could Jemma even look me in the eye after everything I did. The memory of me shooting that innocent woman it...it's still fresh in my mind...Jemma won't want to be with me after witnessing that. Why would she?" Fitz said tears in his eyes

Rebel Defenders: Fighting the Framework (Book 4 MCU/Star Wars Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now