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Broken : Part 1
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Girls cry. Lost friendships. Broken hearts. Quarrels. But I don't cry. Cry is for the weak. Until I met him...

I sat in class with my earphones in, playing full volume, oblivious to anything that was happening around me. Then, the teacher arrived.

Chewing on my gum slowly, I rolled my eyes. She said some words and a student walked in. A glowing aurora surrounded this human. He finished his introduction before I could tear out my earphones. Fascination and curiosity filled my heart.

All day I could not stop looking at the new guy. In this school, I was known as the 'person you have to avoid." I was a total rebellious wreck.

I spotted him at the basketball courts. Walking over, I caught the ball he was shooting. "Yah. What's your name?" I asked. Usually, students would cower with fear at the sight of me. But not him... "Jimin. Park Jimin." He faced me.
"Park Jimin?" I laughed. "Lame." I threw the ball at his head. "Enjoy school."

Choking back my tears, I walked off. I didn't know why I responded and acted like that. It was tough being the toughest. Everyone's scared of me.But the truth was...I'm scared of everyone. I don't want to hear criticism or any other bad shit about me. Only by portraying a tough image I can protect myself from those horrible things.

A voice yelled at me from behind.
"Do you want to hang out together?"
"being so disrespectful.." I whispered


My mind froze. What am I doing? This was the school bully. I looked down at her. Her eyes were tearing up. Uh oh. What did I just do?

"No. Leave me alone." she whispered and started to walk away. I felt dazed. Why did she look like she was about to cry?

I followed her. Yeah. It was pretty stupid especially after knowing she goes around beating everyone up. Even guys were scared her. I didn't want to seem vulnerable in front of her but now her actions were weird. Strangely, I felt protective over her, sensing a fragile heart behind the tough image.

She walked in a dark alley. What is she doing there? Silently, I creeped behind her. She suddenly turned and opened a rusty door. What's this? She lives here? Bottles of beer and cigarettes lay around everywhere. The stench was unbearable.
There was shouting. Sounds of glass breaking. Viscious beating. Unforgiving yelling. Cries of mercy, unevitably from her. My heart hurts. Why?


I yelped in pain as a bottle was thrown at me. "I NEED MONEY NOT A STUPID GIRL AS A DAUGHTER." Another bottle was thrown at me. Not daring to move,
I bit my lips as I endured his harsh beatings.
He mumbled more drunken words before falling asleep. Crying, I stumbled outside. I miss my mother. I didn't want to go back but where else can I go?

"Are you okay?" a soft voice asked.
I looked up into the lovely face of Jimin. "Don't try to get involved with me." I whispered back.
"But I'm worried. What goes on inside of that place?"
"He drinks. He hits. He yells. I leave."
Staring wide eyed at me. "Show me."
"Show you what?"
"Your injuries."
Hesitating, I lifted my shirt up. Nasty purple bruises and bloody cuts were all over my body. He lifted a hand and touched my body."This is serious. You need to tell someone!"
Angrily, I pushed his hand away and shoved my shirt down. "And then what? Leave me as an orphan? My mother's dead. I don't even have relatives to take me in!" I went on, tears spilling out of my eyes. My emotions flowed out uncontrollably.

He leaned forward and whispered "Get on my back." I hesitantly climbed on.
"Where are we going?"
"To my place." he replied.
"Then where else can you go?"
"Are your parents home?"
"No. I live alone. My parents are in Australia."
Suddenly, I was worried about that night.
"Put me down."
"I don't need to go to your place. I can just sleep outside my place."
"It's filthy."
"That's where I live."
He stopped walking. "I can't let you go."
"At least put me down. I'll walk myself."
I dropped down from his back. Suddenly, pain rippled down my leg. I collasped and fell. "Ah!" I grasped at my leg.
"What's wrong?"
"My leg.."
Jimin rolled up my pants. Crimson blood flowed out of a massive cut. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"
"It didn't hurt that much before..."
"We need to go to the hospital."
"Ah...my head...."

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