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I snuggled next to my boyfriend, Suga on the couch. Squeezing me tightly into a hug, I warmed my body on his.

"Do you know what day it is today?" I asked him softly, rubbing his stomach gently.

He blew into my ear and whispered, "Of course, it's my baby girl's birthday."

I giggled and pecked his cheek. "I'm not your baby girl anymore. I've grown another year older!"

Smiling, Suga stroked my hair. "You'll forever be my baby girl." he murmered, ruffling my hair.

"Yaaah! So cheesy, what happened to your cool image?" I shook my hair, attempting to make it go back to normal.

"You took it all away. My mind only thinks of you, my eyes only look at you and my heart beats just for you. I would do anything for you...Ayrin..." he said, grinning.

I hugged him tighter. "I love you."

Whispering, he replied, "I love you too."

Blinking slowly, I opened my eyes. It was still nightime and Suga was asleep under me. I wiped away my drool on his shirt.

"Hm?" He roused, opening one eye cautiously. "What time is it?" he groaned, still half-asleep. "11.39 p.m." I responded.

Getting up from the couch, he put on his jacket. "I think I should go home now, it's getting late."

Disappointment rushed through me. Can't he stay for the night? Why does he have to leave so soon? I bit my lip and forced a smile. "Of course...bye..." I waved as he exited my apartment.

The apartment felt cold and empty after he left. Sighing, I glanced around the dark room.

To think about it, he didn't even celebrate my birthday properly. No fact I don't even think he said "Happy Birthday Ayrin"

Frowning, I felt a sense of suspicion. Is he losing interest in me? Or perhaps was he toying with my feelings all along? What type of a boyfriend doesn't celebrate his girlfriend's birthday but comes over.

Tears began to form.

"Happy birthday to you~"
I heard singing from outside. Standing up, I walked onto my balcony.

"Happy birthday to Ayrinn~" The voice came from above. Twisiting my head up, I watched as dark figure from the above balcony began hefting down a basket.

The basket landed in my hands. "Happy birthday to you~"

It was a parcel. Inside the parcel was the most gorgeous cake ever.

Wishing to take a glance at the mysterious figure from above, I called, "Please show yourself!"

The figure stepped into a pool of light. Squinting, I realised how familiar the person looked.

It was...Suga!

Gasping in surprise, I blinked multiple times to make sure it was really him. "Suga?"

Laughing, he winked and asked, "Do you like your cake?" My heart pounded loudly in my chest.

"Let go of the basket and I'll show you another surprise." He chuckled at mg excitement.

"Ayrin, you'll love this." he called down. After lifting up the basket, he dropped it down again.

"Look at the present!" he smiled. Inside the basket was a rose and a picture. Sniffing the rose, I smiled in satisfaction. "Thanks!" I shouted.

Pointing the photograph, Suga looked like he was going to burst from holding in his laughter. I glanced at it. It was an image of Suga, holding an ice cream.

"What?" I asked, confused.
"That's your biggest birthday present." he laughed."That's right. It's me! I'm your gift. How do you like it?"

Groaning at his cheesiness, I nodded happily.

"Just kidding! Pass me the basket again!" he was hysterical from giggling. I shook my head and watched as he pulled the basket up.

He placed an object into the basket. "Check this out!" He gave me the basket.

Opening the lid of the basket, there was a piece of paper.

Confirmation of purchase.
3/19 Lovely Apartment Jamsville 3971

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. He bought the apartment above me! Emotions flowed through me.

I felt the need to run up and give him a bear hug.

"I can't stand being far away from you so I bought the apartment above yours." he said, obviously pleased with his decision. "Now we can pass each other love letters everyday."

My cheeks blushed. Everyday? I'll see him everyday. Still dazed, I stood still on the balcony, eyes glistened with happy tears.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I whipped my head towards the front door.

"I'll go ge-" I stopped mid sentence. Suga wasn't standing above me anymore.

Pulling the door open, I was faced with Suga. He grabbed my hands and threw my arms around his neck.

He leaned forward and our lips touched. Gently at first, processing into a deep passionate smooch. His lips felt soft. I felt like I was floating. Suga and I....He let go of me, breathing hard.

"I love you my birthday girl. I will always love you Ayrin." he stared into my eyes deeply, eyes filled with sincerity.

In my heart I knew, he was serious. My heart beat went faster and faster. He leaned in for another kiss. I touched his lips, stopping him. "I love you too." I let go and pushed him towards me.

The clock struck 12.

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happy birthday, Ayrin :))
here is your birthday request and I hope you had a great day today ♡

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