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Above the city lights
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I stared at the tall boy standing in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Kookie! It has been such a long time!" My classmates all stood and greeted him. I remained frozen to my seat, unsure how I should react.

He smiled politely and nodded at everyone who waved at him. Girls swooned at him. A pane of jealously hit my heart.

I bit my lip nervously as he came closer. Making eye contact, he gave me a toothy grin.

Bunny teeth.

At least that's still the same. I sighed with relief. This is the Kookie that I knew.

He sat down on the seat next to me. "Hey," he said happily.

"Hey." I replied, quickly gulping down a glass of water. I was beginning to feel sweating.

"So, uh, long time no see." he grinned. My heartbeat raced faster. I glanced away from him in embarrassment. Don't let him see through you!

My brain wasn't functioning properly again. Old feelings rushed back as fast as lightning speed.

Oh Jungkook...

"Ye-yeah! How would you like some uh fruits?" I asked, grabbing the fruit bowl and shoving it into his hands.

"Eat apples! They're good for you!" I gabbled.

He laughed merrily. "You're still the same as before. So random."

My face darkened with shame. I didn't want to be the same. I wanted to appeal to him.

Ever since high school started, I had this massive crush on him. But he was too good for me. He was popular, sporty and had a fantastic personality. Everyone loved him.

I watched him from the side for all these years. But one day, I had the chance to talk to him.

That was messed up as well. I spoked and squabbled random things and did spontaneous actions. My mind boggled as soon as I catch sight of him.

Now it's the first high school reunion in two years. For two years I missed him. I couldn't get his numbers because I didn't have the courage to.

I shook under the table in frustration.

He noticed my mood change. "What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"Nothing." I forced a smiled. He looked concerned and frowned.

Great. Now I made his mood bad.

I excused myself from the table. Walking outside to the balcony I leaned on the edge and admired the city lights.

Footsteps walked up to me. A figure leaned on the balcony as well.

"So beautiful." his lucsious voice came from next to me.

I smiled. "Yeah. I like the way they twinkle and shine and glitter and shimmer!" What the heck?

I silently slapped myself for making another awkward and random statement.

He chuckled. "No, I meant you."

"What?" I asked, shocked. Did he just say that? My heart rate increased with excitement.

"Yeah. You look beautiful." he smiled his bunny tooth grin that I loved so much.

I blushed. "Thanks."

I turned away. He turned away as well and took a breath in. The city lights shimmered underneath us. I smiled.

A hand slithered onto mine. I glanced at Jungkook. A satisfied look was smeared on his face. I felt a wide grin sneak onto my face as I stared at his face.

"What?" he said in a comical way. I laughed as he laughed.

We stood there side by side in silence as the night went by.

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