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Catch Me
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I paced around the fields, warming up my body. My basketball game starts in two hours. I stopped and took a sip of water. Leaves crackled behind me. I whipped my head around.

Suga stood behind me. "Hi." he yawned lazily. "Why are you here?" I asked. He looked at me blankly. "To watch your basketball game of course." he replied. I stared at him confused. "Since when did you have an interest in basketball?" He shrugged. I sighed. My boyfriend never took interest in my hobbies. He always just slept.

- After the game -
My mouth gaped open as I saw the sight in front of me. Suga lay down on the audience seats and just slept there. I felt my cheeks go red with anger. Why would he come when he doesn't even want to watch me play?

I stormed home, leaving behind on the benches. I shoved the door open when suddenly "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" A bunch of sparklers flew in the air. Colourful streamers were decorated all over the place. Suga stood in front of me with his arms wide open. I ran forward into his embrace.

Tears rolled down my face as I giggled with happiness. "When did you prepare this?"
"Before your basketball game. I needed to know exactly when you were gonna come."
"But...why did you fall asleep?" He laughed. "That was actually part of my plan. So you would be pissed and get a surprise."

I frowned with disapproval. "I'm still angry though." He looked shocked and thought hard. I watched his concentrated face with glee. "You haven't kissed me yet!" I giggled and ran away. He sighed with relief and chased after me.

"Yah come back! I'll kiss you now!"
"Ewww.." I laughed
"Aww c'mon!"
We ran around the house for twenty minutes. I slowed down. He stood on the other side of the table. I gave him a cheeky grin and yelled "Catch me if you can!"

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