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I placed my earphones in my ear. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the air...I took a deep breath in...why does it smell like men's deodorant? My eyes snapped open. "What are you doing?!"

"Your hair smells nice today," Jungkook leaned back and gave me a wink. "Creep," I muttered and walked off. He burst out laughing behind me. "You're cute!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes.

- Classtime -
I rested my head against the table. A breeze went through the window. I felt my hair lift off gently. I closed my eyes.

I woke up with a start. Oh no. The classroom was silent. A pair of chocolate brown eyes stared back at me. I sat up. "You're finally awake." he grinned, "You slept like a pig. You even snored." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. "I did? But I don't usually snore..."

Panic bubbled inside of me. What are people going to think of me? I glanced back at Jungkook when I noticed a mischievious glint in his eyes. "You lied right?" I eyed him. He flashed his bunny teeth. "YAH!" I screamed at him. He jumped up and made a face at me. "Come there this moment!" I shrieked and ran after him.

The fields were green and soft. I lay down beside Jungkook and tried to catch my breath. "Do you...like me?" he asked suddenly. I turned my head. "Of course. You're a great friend. Of course I like you."

He grabbed my hand. "Is that it?" he gazed seriously into my eyes. I gulped. He leaned forward, his face almost touching mine. "Do you not feel anything else...? What if...we weren't just friends? What if...we were something more than friends?" I stared at him, baffled. "You mean like...BEST FRIENDS? Oh my gosh, I would love to!" I laughed. Of course this is what he means...Right?

He pushed me down onto the grass and pressed on my shoulders. "Why do you do this to me?" he gasped. "Yah...I like you." I froze in shock. Jungkook...likes me?

"So...what do you think about me?" he asked, releasing me from his grip. "Do you...like me too?" My mouth gaped open. Wha-what? "Um..I..." he gazed at me. "It's fine. I'll give you time." he stood up and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"WAIT!" I blurted out and reached up to grab his hand. "Wait..." I pulled myself up and looked at him right in the eye.

"I...like you too."

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