Chapter Three

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Just as Kate leaves, Nadine locks the door before slumping on her bed sprawling.

She sighs.

Her thoughts drifts towards her proposed date with Philip and all that had happened. Happy and sad memories alike.

She and Phil met back in her senior year one where he was a new student in year two. He was also her neighbor and so, Nadine felt it natural to bond with him.

He'd stop by at her house after school for every school day and they'd just chill. Soon things began to turn around for the better and he became popular before his final year. So popular was he that all the girls at school swooned around him and that was when she became jealous and also found out she had a thing for Phil. Whenever they hung out they usually didn't go towards matters of girlfriends or boyfriends and he didn't even try anything funny. Surprisingly  on a particular day at school, he, in front of every one had asked Nadine to be his girlfriend.

She was so elated and didn't think much before accepting.
They became so close since her acceptance and at the course of their closeness he had disclosed how he's always had a crush on her since they became neighbors and only showered her with the type of love that usually existed among high schoolers.She hadn't really been into him initially but developed feelings for him later on. She gets to share his fame with him and Nadine would agree it was an amazing feeling. Their families get to know which only added to their bond. They graduate from high school and unfortunately move to different schools.

Nadine goes to New York  University while Phil goes to Columbia University which are distances away practically a five hour drive to and fro, making it a Barrier in their growing relationship. Though everything would have gone well if not for the pictures he saw with her in them.

The last part has Nadine groaning into her pillow.

" Why did he choose to act like a child? What's wrong with my pose with just a colleague. My learned colleague." she chides herself within before getting up and taking her toiletries to the bathroom.

Some minutes later, she's applying the last touch to her makeup. Putting on a black sleeveless silk dress with a slit to her thighs, exposing her smooth thighs and legs, her ass prop out erect while her tiny bust remain hidden in their position. They've always been a part of her insecurities. Who gets boobs like that of grapes? Urrggghh.
Regardless, she looks ravishing. Her hair is held back to the back in a messy bun revealing her most beautiful and confident feature; her large, glossy brown eyes, tiny and straight nose, full pink love shaped lips and an oval face.

She was all ready.

Dressed to kill.

A notification pops up on her screen interrupting her admiration in the mirror. She sees a message from Phil letting her know he's outside. She sighs then picks up her purse, takes the last look in the mirror before heading out, locking the doors behind her.

Outside, she sees Phil standing just right in front of the passenger's side of his black SUV looking quite the same. She walks expertly towards him to have a close look. She smiles and he reciprocates before planting a light peck on her forehead. His jet black hair is gelled to try back revealing his dark brown eyes, sharp nose, high cheeked bone and small lips. He's putting on a suit.

Quite formal Nadine notes.

"Hi" she says nervously. Why is she nervous? This is Philip. Your boyfriend.

"Hey" he stares at her " you look always"

"And you look ravishing as well" she manages to say.

Silence falls between the both of them and they just stand awkwardly. Just then, rain begins to drizzle a bit. They look up, look back at each other and chuckle.

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