Chapter Nineteen

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Tristan's Pov
   I sigh as I step out of Frankfurt's Mercedes that was sent to retrieve me from the airport. I check my wrist and it's past 9:00pm already. I shove my coat swiftly to the back to aid my hands into my pockets to fight the cold, letting out a heavy sigh as I stand there staring at the mansion.Typical Hollywood shit. Magnificent, White and gold is a simple way to describe my sponsor's house.
    Reason why I'm here at such a short notice and even have to take night flight? Obvious reasons actually because, Frankfurt and his wife, Sophia eventually and inevitably found out about my unprofessional actions like cancelling my  concerts abruptly and stuff. Seriously, those people love me to death, I'm still in the market if they know and well, how am I to explain to any sane individual that a gorgeous teenage college girl has gotten me hooked up for the past one month? This past one month has been a sensual torture for me a mix of sensations I couldn't understand. I've had my connections check in on her and girl has no social handle whatsoever like, what? Who doesn't own a social media these days? All I just wanna do is just get a hold of her and you know , of course I want her body, it's like I'm desperate which has never ever happened to me to want a girl so desperately... something in me is so sure I won't just stop at that and I'd want something special, something very delicate... another's sure when I have my way and get it over with the torment already  that would be just what it is right? Sex. The only person I could think of to relate this with was my brother Cameron and man is worse than I am. He brushed me off with my words saying gilberrish about seizing the moment and wasting lives...urgh.

" much I'd love to stand here and  you know...admire this magnificent edifice, I wouldn't want to be frozen to death" Trevor's voice jerks me back to reality. I give him a sluggish grin at his impatience.

Trevor, the energetic and impatient manager. Frankfurt had at least thousands of bouncers that where way more experienced and dayyum...more heftier than mine so, that was already settled. I had to leave with just my manager and friend.

"Alright man, let's do this" I give him a friendly tap on his shoulders urging us towards the entrance.

"Babyyy....!!!" A shriek from Tasha has me trying to cover my ears before their drums get blasted. The first voice I hear as soon as I step foot into the mansion. I'm about to scrutinize the whole house with one quick scrutiny but rather, I'm engulfed in this neck writhing hug by Tasha for like an hour. I manage to regain my balance before I see Sophia and Frankfurt standing side to side in their glory, Frankfurt's hand resting lovingly on his wife's hips. With the politeness in me, I hug her back and take her off my neck , rubbing soothingly on my neck with an awkward smile plastered on my face. A quick look at Trevor behind me and I see he's taking every will in him not to spit a heavy laughter in my face.

"Heyyy...look who we have here...". Now that's the sweet voice of Sophia. Man, God created beautiful women but God did take his precious time on this one not gonna lie. Sophia's is one hella hot lady damn... Frankfurt did have eye for good things. She has on a strapless silk dress with her cleavage on full display. I don't remember a time where I don't see her on full makeup especially her signature scarlet lipstick and hazel cat-like lens. Meeting her for the first time, her mannerisms sometimes put off a green signal she's flirting with you when she's not. It's just that easy for her...way hotter than her daughter might I add.

"Sophia...long time no see" I say into her hair.

She disengages the hug with her charming smile.

"How's it been? " I ask

"Well, you're the one who abandoned family"

"W...wh...what aban... c'mon...I was here like, a month ago" I scorf.


"C'mon mummy...the important thing is he's here " Tasha says as she locked hand with me.

"I see you Trevor" Sophia adds with a wink earning a blush from him. I've never seen that woman-effect on him. He's always the tough guy.

He scratches and invisible something behind his neck "I was waiting for all of these to end before I do my thing" he says adding a nervous laughter.

I slowly let go of Tasha cursing within as I approach her father. He hasn't said a word in the midst of all of the drama ensuing.

"Look who came to greet ol'man huh?"

I laugh engulfing him in the familiar manly hug, adding friendly slaps at each other's backs.

"Good to see you in person rather than on phone you know. I think you're more girly in person"

Everyone coos.

Frankfurt laughs. "I see whatcha doing now...". He says enciting laughter from everyone.

"Alright we won't stand here all day. Let's go have dinner. We saved this late for you baby" Tasha says with a wink to my direction as we follow suit to the dinning room.

I don't plan on staying here for more than two days but if Tasha's agenda is to waste me with her banging body, oh hell yeah, she could.


Two rounds later and I'm lying face up  and wasted on the bed beside Tasha. She's lying face up too and still panting with her titties on full display. She's that shameless with me though. Now that I'm done, I just want to have a good night's sleep and I'm beginning to fall asleep before Tasha's voice disturbs me.

"You know..." She trails her fingers slowly on my chest supporting herself on her left elbow as she is on my right. "I've missed you so much"

My face scrunches in annoyance"what? We met last week, remember?"

She rolls her eyes "you don't understand me do you? You're my boy..."

"...hold up right there Tash. I'll have to correct you right there because I don't remember us being official. We're just a thing okay"

"Seriously? A thing?"

I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Tris I do all these things for you and all you have to say to me is that we're just a thing? You're using me?" She says in a hoarse and teary voice.


"You know what, that's your business cause tomorrow you'll have to decide if we're a 'thing' or not." She eyes me before leaving the bed naked and grabbing her stuff. I'm so baffled and annoyed that I just watch her storm out of the room shamelessly towards her room.

What does she mean by me finding out tomorrow though?

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