Chapter Twenty

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"oh shit!!" Tristan half screams as soon as he wakes up.

Tasha is sitting just beside him on the bed. She prolly has been the there the whole time he guesses which is fucking creepy.

"What da hell Tash..." He groans , sitting upright on the bed.

She cups her chin and giggles. "Whattt... you're so fine I couldn't help it..." She reaches to kiss him but he moves back.

"Uhhmmm...well yeah I know I'm fine but that's creepy. Don't do that again"

She stands up with a wide grin . "Well, get used to it. Breakfast's ready in 30 minutes" she adds a wink before exiting the room.

Advice from Tristan: Do not, be  fine as fuck cause you'll have to make acquaintance with trouble.

He arrives downstairs just in time to see the Frankfurt's settled in on breakfast.

"Baby..." Tasha greets him with a full grin tapping on the chair beside her for him and he's confused at her sudden change in behavior. Wasn't she like angry with him minutes ago?.

"Good morning" he says with a full smile actually to everyone.

"Oh, Tristan...just in time for breakfast. How was your night?" Sophia asks while busy with serving

"Twas great."

"Good to know". Frankfurt's deep voice adds in and Tristan gives him a nod in response.

He settles in and begins to eat.

"'s it going?" Frankfurt asks diverting everyone's attention away from their food to his face.

He clears his throat " fine...lotta stress as should be expected..." he giggles nervously "...but just fine"

Frankfurt nods his head with a mischievous smile in a manner that he knows something no one else does. "Well, considering the feedback from your manager that you've been missing out most of your concerts and canceling trips, is it like you relieving your stress or what?"

Right from the moment Tristan got a call from his boss asking for his presence, he knew deep down it was all about this.

"Tristan I know would exhaust all his concerts in a month but this past one, you did some and these some weren't even satisfying to your fans and I'm sure you're fully aware that your action is rather endangering our label and giving other competitors  a chance at what we've built up for long and held onto."

Tristan clears his throat again glancing quickly at the women in the room for like help or something but they've also suspended their eating waiting to be fed off their curiosity .

"Well Sir..."

"I'm not done". Tristan gulps.

"What is it that has held you tied down that decreased your output? Although when I asked Trevor he said you'd say you've been busy with one of your businesses or what not and I was like, are you facing bankruptcy or something like, why couldn't you just reach out to me instead of...of these..."

Few seconds pass before Tristan braces himself to speak. "First of, Sir and lady Frankfurt I'm so sorry whatever inconvenience my action has caused to the firm but like I assured my management team, it's really nothing but one of my businesses giving me a hard time. Frank, you know how much I cherise and prioritize my music, I wouldn't do anything careless because of my passion for it."

Oh... you're lying big-time. Tell them it's cause of bad, who'd buy that crap story anyway*giggles. His subconscious chips in as soon as he's laid down his incredible explanation.

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