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When I enter my biology class, I take a look to find  available seats. All the seats are filled except two in the front, one after the other. I decide to take the first one and sit my things on it.

It feels so good to be back at school after  holidays, I'm glad that I didn't had to move to Texas to live with my parents even in the holidays. I love them, no doubt but I love my  freedom and washington more. The cold and calm weather and the harsh snowfalls and rains.
Well it's cloudy today, it might rain. 'I love rains and even snow', I wish, it does.

While everyone is chattering around, I hear a lot of rumors about the new biology professor 'His name is Edward Gates.' 'He is a dick.' 'No, he is a virgin.' ' He's always high' ' he's damn strict' 'He is an oldie-goldie.' 'No, he is studying in university.' 'He is handsome.' 'He's a jerk.' And bla bla bla....

Well these are just rumors, I don't know if any of them are correct. I'm how so ever, not afraid of professors. Till now, all the professors I've met, have always liked me, and hope this one does too. 'How can these people say such things about a professor that's rude' my subconscious comments.
"I can never get along with these people." I mutter to myself in a low tone.

On the stroke of the third bell, everyone settled down in their places, the room was as silent as a church and the professor entered,

" GOOD MORNING CLASS " He greeted with a smile.

" GOOD MORNING PROFESSOR " We greeted back

" I'm Edward Gates, and..I'll be taking your biology classes this year. As per as I know, the students of your age are great at spreading, you must have heard about me being a jerk, strict and obnoxious. Well, I would like to confess that I will be strict towards people who doesn't take the subject seriously...And please don't ever be scared of me, like you do with other elderly professor. I'm just 24 so people be frank but...Don't forget to take the subject seriously!!" He introduced himself and sat quietly for next few minutes until a blonde haired guy showed up at the door of the classroom

He starts to apologize "I'm sorry for being late...actually..." but he is interrupted by Mr.Gates's words-" Wait!! Outside the class, until it gets over!".

After hearing this, his face turns pale. I guess, he hasn't reached here late, on purpose. He looked quite upset when he was asked to stay out. He must have been eager for first day. I feel a bit sorry for him. And even if he would have been allowed to get in the class, he must have been scolded, I wish Mr. Gates doesn't  scolds him, he seems pretty sweet...

As the bell goes, I'm distracted from my thoughts and Edward announces," Class, I 've a good news for you. Today,  you've a day off of classes, so, you can roam about wherever you wish too, only in campus. can even interrupt the other mates as they are also having a day off...So go free,  Once again, Goodbye class."

We greet him back and again announces,"One more thing, no one will be exchanging seats, they are permanent for this semester".

Permanent seats! For this whole Damn semester! Wow! Thanks goodness, I got the front seat. But who's gonna sit next to me? I don't wanna sit alone for whole of semester. May be, I should ask someone to come in front. 'No, that would be the worst idea you can come up with, who hell would like to sit with you!' my subconscious mocks me. Hmm, they all are cool and smart unlike me, may be I should ask that new Blondie, he seems sweet. Yes, I'm going to ask him and I even want to know what happened between him and Mr. Edward..I can call him Edward too, right? He's not too old, and he is pretty good to be our professor.

After he leaves, the class is almost empty within seconds. I find myself gathering my stuff but I don't know, what I'm going to do whole day, may be I should just sit in here and read something. No, I guess I should hangout with Keira and may be Jenna too.
I just am so confused, May be I should first find that Blondie and discuss the seat stuff.

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