Rabbit Hunt

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"Your target is codename White Queen, an extremely dangerous Grimmspring, and one you must execute." Ironwood said. His blue eyes stared down at the file. The rabbit faunus sitting across from him let out a chuckle.

"Let me guess, I have to go it alone because, you don't have any soldiers to spare, or you think I'm expendable." The faunus spoke, his tone harsh, yet his voice was soft. Ironwood let out a grumble before tossing the file onto the table.

"If you aren't going to take this seriously, I can just hire some mercs, watch them fuck up the job so badly you'll have to go on clean up." Ironwood said, putting his hands on the table next to the rabbit. He leaned close looking the rabbit in his dark black eyes. The charcoal haired faunus smirked.

"I want to hear you say it, the truth." He smirked, leaning close to the Captain Ironwood's face, causing the captain to grow flustered.

"Fuck you...fine, the General thinks your expendable, I think your resourceful." He paused, looking over the soldier's file. "Xavier, we have sent you on several different missions, suicide missions in all honestly." He flipped the page. "You have survived them all."

Xavier chuckled. "Good." He said simply. "I'll take your little rabbit hunt." He smirked, standing up. He grabbed the file and chuckled. "But if I come back empty handed, its on your ass."

Ironwood nodded and said nothing, allowing the faunus to leave. Xavier sighed.

"Fuck me, a Grimmspring...talk about death right there." He grumbled. He could only think about how bad this mission could go. He had taken a turn to the armory. Where a large, muscular woman stood.

"Oh, little rabbit, what is needed today!" She spoke with a thick accent, making her words broken. Xavier just handed her a piece of paper, the gear he needed for this assignment. A charge rifle, his specialty pistols, and his Glintstaff, a specialty weapon he made for tough missions just like this.

"Zanna has these for you rabbit!" The woman cheerfully said. "Seems like tough mission, if rabbit require Glintstaff!" She spoke, grabbing a deep black duffle bag off the wall. Xavier just remained silent. His eyes were filled with a worry he had never had before.

"Zanna, what would you do, if you were told to do something that seemed impossible?" He asked softly, hiding the fear ever present in his voice. Zanna let out a soft chuckle.

"Zanna would probably plan retirement, find husband, or wife, and live out rest of life." She finished filling the bag with gear. "Why does rabbit ask this?" She set it on the counter, sliding it toward Xavier.

"Because I have been sent to kill, what seems to be the most powerful Grimmspring on the planet." He muttered. "See you Zanna, I promise to bring back my gear repaired this time." He added, quickly moving away from the armory counter. His body naturally guided him to the docking bay, where all the airships were stationed currently.

"Xavier, over here!" Kent called to him. "I'm your ride this time!" A smile crossed the eel faunus's lips. Xavier sighed a tiny bit and chuckled.

"If it isn't the old barrack breaker himself!" Xavier's face lit up gently. "How's the bunny been treating you?" He began to laugh before being met with a punch to the shoulder.

"Kyrie would kill you if she heard you say that she's left the whole Barrack Bunny thing behind." He said softly. "We've been good though; I have a kid now." He pulled out some photos. "Little Verian just turned 2." His smile brightened a little bit more, when talking about his kid. Xavier let out one more soft sigh.

"I'm proud man." Xavier said gently, patting the eel's shoulder. "Lets hurry though, I want to get this mission done." He climbed on the back of the skyskiff, the single person transport ship. Kent just gave a quick nod, and ran to the front of the skiff, putting his helmet on. Soon, the skiff began to take off. Piercing the icy air.

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