Every Dark Night

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Screams, fire, fighting, blood. That was the most prominent thing that sent my senses into overdrive. I could smell the blood as Grimm tore through those that couldn't defend themselves. I could hear it gurgle in their throats as the Beowolves dug their fangs deep into them. I could hear flesh ripping from bone. That worried me the most. The sound was so close to me. Its like it was right next to my ear. I turned my head and saw something horrible. A wounded, on the verge of death, White Fang soldier was being eaten by a Nevermore. I nearly threw up.

A few thoughts passed through my head. Why couldn't I move the rest of my body, why are my senses heightened, and why wasn't I being attacked by Grimm. I felt something bubble up in my throat. Blood? No, it was a roar, a screech of anguish and pain so loud that the Nevermore jumped out of fear. I unleashed the torrential outpour of my voice as I began to change, my arms gruesomely bending and cracking, bone plates and spikes coming out of tufts of quickly growing black fur. I tried to resist. This wasn't me controlling my body anymore. I could not stop the transformation. My human eye went from a soft violet to a deep red, my hands stretched horrifically into bone claws, and my face shifted to that of the Beowolves. Soon I was one of them, at least until I could regain control.

I stood involuntarily and approached a boy, his black hair matted in sweat, his weapons on rapid fire. "Ren!" I tried to speak, which came out in a deep growling vocal tone. He looked at me.

"Are you okay N-" I suddenly tacked him, and pinned him to the ground, my claws digging into his flesh, causing him to scream in pain. I tried to beg him to shoot me, but all that came out were roars. He looked at me with confusion, pain, and anger in his eyes as I clawed at his chest, cutting it open. I suddenly felt a bullet go into my side causing me to double over in pain, and a familiar voice asking Ren if he was okay. And then I was knocked out.

When I awoke, I saw four faces standing over me, three holding one back. Yang, Weiss, and Blake holding Nora back. I knew why she was mad, and I didn't blame her. Then I noticed the top of Beacon explode, and the gears within the top of the tower went flying, one came directly towards us. In a split second, I pushed the four out of the way, as a giant gear slammed directly into me.

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