Brings Even Darker Skies

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11 Years Earlier

Location - 33 KM outside of Atlas

The ringing bell. A horrendous sound in my ears. Time to get up, more tests, more blood.

"SUBJECT 2332 TIME FOR TESTING!" The intercom pierced the cold morning air, rousing me from my short nap. I stood. I smelt something, delicious. I looked around the cold and padded cell before spotting it. It was simple, a small piece of dried steak, and some water. I hadn't eaten in a day so this was amazing to me. I ran over and began to chow down on the simple meal, when a guard walked over.

"Oh you're awake, good." He said, before grabbing a cattle prod he had attached to his hip. "Finish up and we are moving to room 6 understand?" He asked me. I tilted my head confused, with the steak dangling out of my mouth. Like a puppy. He opened the door as I finished up and lead me outside the cell and down the hall. As we walked I could see more heavily armed guards gathering around her. Why is the escort so big...? I thought.

We walked down the winding corridors and soon arrived at a large lab room. I looked around it curiously, when I was met with a cattle prod to the back of my neck, stunning me pretty heavily. I fell forward and cried out in pain.

As the pain died down and I regained some sense of feeling and alertness, I felt two arms pick me up and lift me onto a "slab" as one of the doctors said.

"Lift her onto the slab, Arthur wants us to forcefully transform her." A female voice said as I was strapped to the table.

"That sounds like the worst possible idea." One of the guards said.

"Well your job is to make sure she doesn't break containment." Another voice said. I felt a flicking on my small pale arm.

"You can see the main veins, you fucking idiot." A guard said.

"It's to cause the vein to rise a little, making it easier to inject!" The feminine voice snapped at the guard. I felt the needle pierce the skin. It was painful, but everything was painful to me, due to the past few years of torture. But this was new, it was like I was on fire. Then after a few seconds, the burning was gone, replaced with a cool sensation.

But then it happened. A noise that haunted me every time I heard it. The roaring of the wyvern was what it was referred to. I began to scream as I began to change. Snapping of bones and the screams emanating from me was the most sickening sound in the world. And then, the bindings snapped. One of the guards ran over. And I blacked out. I could hear screaming, and I could taste the familiar taste of iron sliding down the back of my throat. Gunshots were fired at me yet they did nothing as I tore through staff and guard, eventually making my way to the 3rd Sublevel of the lab. Away from the roaring.

I began to shift back, covered in blood and bile. I looked down at my blood stained clothes, and vomited. Filling the halls with another scent that needed to be removed.

"Subject 2332, back to your ca-" A guard had begun to say, until something stopped him. I glanced back and saw someone wearing a white cloak.

"Are you okay little girl?" She asked softly, bending down. "What caused this?" She asked. I just stared at her, with tears in my eyes.

"I...I did..." I said weakly. "Made me monster..." I didn't know much English.

"Oh...oh lord." She muttered. She then picked me up, and wrapped me in her cloak, getting blood all over the nice white cloak. And she pulled the hood over my head, to shield my eyes from the sun as she ran up to the first level, and to some big metal flying ship. And we took off.

I don't remember much after that. I just remember the ship landing and very quick footsteps. And two voices. One of the nice lady, and a man with a heavy voice.

"You need to take care of her." Nice Lady said.

"Summer, I can't take care of a kid, that's why Tai has Ruby and Yang." Heavy Voice spoke. He sounded tired.

"Qrow, please, just, take care of her for a few months and take her to Tai." Summer said with worry in her voice. "She has something special about her, and I know you can teach her that, like you did with me when we were at Beacon."

"Fuck...I can't believe I'm doing this Summer." Qrow spoke. "She can stay for a year, then I'm taking her to Tai." He said before taking me into his arms. Summer handed Qrow something other than me as well. A file, with all my information inside.

"I have to go...please, take care of her." She paused. "I love you." She said softly and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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