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3 months, that was how long this mission was taking. Xavier sat on the edge of the bed he shared with Salem, his shirtless body glistening with a small sheet of sweat. The Grimm Queen groaned slightly.

"Xavy...come back to bed." She sat up, using the sheet to cover her bare breast. Her soft hand touched his shoulder. Xavier sighed.

"I got a message from Ironwood; he asked if I did the job yet..." He sighed a little, sliding his hand back in its hair. It had grown slightly, and his stubble was starting to show. Salem crawled behind him, pressing her chest to his back.

"What are you going to tell him?" She paused, before giving a smirk. "That you decided to lay the Grimmspring rather than slay it?" She joked, causing the rabbit to let a small chuckle.

"You're adorable, you know that?" He turned back, kissing the woman with a fierce passion.

3 months was how long it took for them to fall in love. Salem was the first to admit how she felt, like a teenage girl confessing to her crush. Meanwhile Xavier, was like a wild animal, pinning her to the wall, and with her consent, ravaging her. And it was like that every few nights. What else did they have to do?

"I don't know what to do..." Xavier sighed gently. He held her close, kissing her forehead. Her eyes lit up a tiny bit, her body telling her something with her magic. Salem wiggled, looking up at the rabbit.

She groaned a little, and her legs went limp. It was a few seconds, before Xavier noticed, due to the feeling of vomit on his stomach.

"Salem!" He yelped, stepping back. The woman toppled to the ground and began to throw up more.

"B-bathroom..." She groaned out. Xavier was quick to help her into the room. Salem was throwing up some sort of black goop.

Another hour, soon Salem was better, able to speak and sit down on the bed. Xavier patted her back.

"I guess, working with Grimm as long as I have has changed my physiology." She muttered quietly. Xavier lets out a quick nod and hugs her.

"What the hell happened?" He exclaimed, his panic evident for his lover. She slowly reached toward her stomach and gave a small smile to the rabbit.

"Somethings telling me, we have a little gift on the way." Salem explained softly. His eyes were wide, his panic and excitement showing in the glint of his iris. Xavier was brimming with joy. He jumped up off the bed and began to pump his fist in the air.

"Holy shit, I'm gonna be a dad!" He yelled out, even leaning out the window to yell it. Then a minor panic set in.

"Wait...oh god I'm going to be a dad!" He said nervously. "Im not ready for this at all, I-" He was cut off with a soft kiss to his lips.

"Honey, you have taken care of me for the past 3 months." She said, her voice like a cloud. "You will be a wonderful father." Her eyes glowed with happiness as they slowly embraced, kissing each other once again. That's when it happened, the idea came to him.

"Salem...I need you to go to Vacuo." He said quickly. "My old family house is out in the desert town, we can live there." He cheered quietly.

"But what about Ironwood?" She asked concerned. He just let a smirk cross his lips.

"I'm going to tell him I failed." Xavier smirked, beaming with an aura of pride. But Salem let out a pout.

"Do you really think that's going to be enough?" She asked softly. "I know about Ironwood, he's ruthless." She added. Xavier sighed and looked at the Grimmspring, the beautiful queen of Grimm directly in front of his eyes. To Salem, he was just staring intently, however, she could sense the worry coming from him as an idea developed in his head.

"Salem, I don't want you hurt, and I don't want to bring what we have to Jimmy's attention." He said, addressing the General by his first name, well his nickname. Salem giggled slightly at the name, changing the subject to distract Xavier from his current plight.

"Jimmy?" She snickered, her face lighting up with a blush as she held back more giggles. Xavier let out a happy sigh at the sight, before getting an idea.

"You can make things out of Grimm bone right?" He asked, but before allowing her to answer, he gripped her hands. "Can you make a copy of yourself, like one that looks...dead?" He asked, his voice now serious, Salem noticing that his emotion changed as he said that. Like it hurt him to ask. Salem just let out a nod and began to make this creation, to help her lover with whatever plan he had.

"I hate this...but just hold it long enough for me to get a picture." He spoke softly, slowly raising his scroll and letting the flash go off, capturing an image both digital, and in his mind.

"Time to go." He said, kissing Salem one last time, before they went their separate ways.

It wouldn't be long before they saw one another again.

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