Rook takes Queen

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"This damn wind." Kent grumbled. "I have to land Xavier; you're going to have to go on foot here!" He said into the skiff's intercom. Xavier let out a grumble but nodded softly.

"You really have to go so soon?" He asked Kent jokingly, causing the eel to roll his eyes.

"Get out of here, I'll head back to Atlas, inform them of the storm." Kent stated as Xavier climbed down the back of the skiff. The rabbit walked around to where Kent could see him from the front, and gave the pilot a wave, before stepping away to give Kent more room to maneuver.

The skiff took off with ease, as Xavier began to trot through the thigh deep snow. The blizzard winds began to hurt and sting, as he tried to cover them with his arm.

Meanwhile, in the tree line was a figure. They're eyes had been locked onto the area where the skiff landed and were now following the charcoal rabbit through the white power slowly covering the ground, slowly growing taller.

As Xavier walked through the snow, his eyes were scanning around. Trails, tree branches misshapen, anything that could lead him to where the Grimmspring was hiding. The figure remained behind him, cloaked in white, hiding among the piling snow. The unknowing duo kept trotting through miles of snow.

Three hours had passed, before Xavier eventually came across a shelter. An old rundown cabin. The door was about off its hinges, and the windows were shattered. But to him, it was his home away from home for now.

Suddenly, a branch snapped behind him, and he was quick to turn around, pointing his pistol directly to the head of whoever was behind him. The figure glanced up, her red eyes glowed, showing the black where her eyes were supposed to be white. Her skin was white as the snow around them, covered in purple veins. She had tripped on the branch, and was on her knees.

" have some bread you can spare...I haven't eaten in days." She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. Xavier felt his heart jump, seeing the woman before him.

"Um...yeah...are you okay, you look so pale?" He asked gently, kneeling. His body was used to the cold, special forces training helped with that. His hand was gentle as he touched her cheek. As he did, a chill ran up his spine, as well as hers. And their eyes locked for a second.

It was the first time the woman's eyes had lit up, she felt something from the man. Unlike the constant negative emotion she could see around every other person, there was an air of positivity surrounding the man before her, kneeling and holding her cheek. His body language wasn't of fear, wasn't of anger, but of compassion and kindness.

On the other side of the pair, Xavier could see this woman. The Grimmspring he had been told to hunt. The fear and dread that hung over her was unnatural. Something he couldn't fully understand, yet he knew all too well. But he showed no fear. Both could feel each other's emotions, and both felt their hearts race, seeing how they felt about each other.

"We should get you inside, you're colder than death." He said softly. He rose from his knees and picked her up. "I'll start a fire." He said, as he walked inside carrying the girl. "By the way, I'm Xavier." The rabbit smiled a bit.

"S-salem..." She muttered, shivering as the bitter cold finally got to her. For the rundown aesthetic of the cabin, it seemed to be sturdy against the high winds. Xavier shut the shutters on the windows, before looking for some wood to light a fire.

"Shit." He said softly. "No firewood." He grumbled. Before suddenly a fire sparked up, earning a yelp from the seemingly fearless man. His sigh of comfort reverberated around the room, after seeing Salem next to the gas valve, having turned it.

"You're welcome." She said gently, before quickly sitting down. " you have food?" She asked again. Xavier let out a curt nod and handed her a small roll of bread.

"It's not much, but I only packed enough for myself." He said softly, his voice filling her up with warmth. Salem felt a blush creep on her cheeks, as she hid under her cloak. Xavier let out a chuckle and pulled out some meat he had stolen from the commissary.

"I'll try and cook this, see if that will make the bread taste less dry." He said gently. Before walking over to the fire and sticking the meat on the end of the glintstaff, holding it over the flames. Salem quietly took a bite of the bread and slowly ate it.

"I've seen that weapon before..." She muttered to Xavier. He stiffened, before looking at the Glintstaff, before turning back to Salem.

"What do you mean you've...." He froze, realizing why he felt those emotions. Salem could sense the fear building from him, as she began to conjure a blade made of Grimm bone. Within seconds, the two had their weapons at each other's necks.

"You're a Grimmspring?" He snapped. Salem growled.

"Try queen of Grimm." Salem snarled. "Even though I don't want to be." She sighed. Xavier growled as he pressed the Glintstaff closer to her throat as she pressed the blade.

"Ironwood lied to me then." Xavier slowly put his weapon down. Salem looked surprised, thinking she would have to kill another assassin, one that her heart told her not to. Xavier looked upset, but not at Salem.

"I'll finish cooking, and then we need to have a talk." Xavier said, returning to the fire.

RWBY: Aspectsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن