I fed a kid chalk

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(Yes I am now titling these random BS)

DickDestroyer7000: Sooooo any tips on how to get away from the cops?
Kawaii-Chan: Wesden what the hell-
DickDestroyer7000: Stfu Chiaki, I am in need of help
HeroxKazuichi❤️: Okay, why tf is Maki Harukawa getting straight up chased by police?
DickDestroyer7000: Maki? Tf?
Emo Katana Man: You fucking uncultured swine, Maki was an orphan 🤦
HeroxKazuichi❤️: 🤩
DickDestroyer7000: kys Hero ripoff 😌
Discord Mod: LMAO
Weed Man: Stfu Bombu you fucking incel
Crazy Cat Lady: Oh damn-
Theater Vampire: Incel- 💀
Discord Mod: I AM NOT AN INCEL 😡
Weed Man: pack it up you basic middle aged man 🙄
Dubstep Dumbass: Get outta here with your "I only date tens 🤓☝️"
Discord Mod: Y'all suck 🙄
King 👑: And you're fucking putrid. You smell like a fucking rotting corpse 🥰
Ginger Smartass: Andrew Tate Fanboy
Discord Mod: BRUH
Ginger Smartass: Get tf outta here with you whiny boyfriend cuz dear Fucking GOD it is so annoying.
Blue Furry: Yeah, go sexting in y'all's private messages, not a whole ass GC 💀
Innocent Bean: OTOS!
Blue Furry: WHAT!? IT'S TRUE
Innocent Bean: Yeah you're right, what is it?
WALTER WHITE: Allow me to help 😌
WALTER WHITE: Bampal, please get into DMS 😁
Innocent Bean: Okay!
Disability Dave: Let's ignore the fact that James is ruining Bampal's mind 😌
Angry Corn Farmer: AYO BOMBU! what are you drinking rn?
Discord Mod: Water...?
Angry Corn Farmer: Tf is wrong with you? You're not drinking motor oil!? God you basic fucking bitch.
Discord Mod: DUDE WTF
Discord Kitten: Bombu isn't basic!
HeroxKazuichi❤️: This MF-
SIMP: Have you seen his outfit?
King👑: Can't wait to go to Bombu's funeral and be there knowing I could've changed that outfit.
DickDestroyer7000: Notice that funeral starts with the three letters 'FUN'
GlizzySucker: His funeral would be a party
Weed Man: shit-
Nyan Cat Lover: Sooooo, when he does die.... Y'all want me to bring Oreo's??
Ginger Smartass: YES
Dubstep Dumbass: Are we planning a fucking rave for his death 😂
Dubstep Dumbass: If so, I'll be the fucking DJ
Crusty Toes: I'll bring pizza 🤩
Brother Issues: Can we assassinate him?
Emo Katana Man: Please, Please I beg of you, Please assassinate him. I'll pay you all my life savings.
Weed Man: Rarest kind of conversation between Bamburai and Bamwind 💀
Nyan Cat Lover: Well, I'll go get Oreo's and Soda!
Crusty Toes: Lemme get the pizza 🤩

------ Chapter End -------

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