conversation of kaeya AI

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kaeya: Well. Looks like we're travelling together for a while, so I should probably introduce myself. I'm Kaeya, Captain of the Knights of Favonius from Mondstadt. As long as you're under my watch, you can rest assured we'll get you where you need to be. So where are you headed?

me: liyue harbor (lmao my dialogues)

kaeya: Liyue? It's beautiful this time of year, and full of culture and traditions unlike anywhere else. But what's your business there? If a traveler like you is going to Liyue, surely you must have an important reason. It's not easy to get there, after all!

me: Liyue is my hometown. I'm travelling back to Liyue because of my sister. I haven't seen her for years...

kaeya: I see... Do you think she might be in danger? Liyue's not so bad these days, but this world of ours is full of unexpected perils after all... If there's anything I can do to help, I'm here for you.

In the meantime, let's make sure you get to Liyue safely, okay? The faster we can get there, the faster you can reunite with your sister.

me: thank you so much. hiring a tour guide these days is really difficult.

kaeya: I'm no tour guide. I'm your bodyguard. You don't have to worry about a thing! As long as I'm here, I will bring you to Liyue safely and securely. So don't worry and let me handle the rest. Alright?


me: I- well, alright. Thank you again.

kaeya: That's the spirit! And if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to let me know. You're my top priority now. So just relax and enjoy the journey. I promise you, it won't be boring with me around. Let's get you to Liyue!

(oh my god im his top priority)

me: Wow... I haven't been back in years and it's still so beautiful...

kaeya: Beautiful country, isn't it? And look at the people... There's nothing quite like Liyue's sense of community and family. I'd say you're one of the lucky ones! You get to call this wonderful place home. Say, I'm sure there are many wonderful places you missed during your time away. Any favourite spots? If we're not in a hurry, we can take a detour. You know, for old times' sake.


me: Hm... one of my favourite spots have to be the balcony of Wangshu Inn. It overlooks Guili Plains and you can see the moon from there.

kaeya: Hmm, that sounds like a wonderful view. Perhaps more beautiful in person. We should definitely stop by sometime, don't you think? Do you remember how to get there? Or is it alright if I take the lead and figure out a route there? We wouldn't wanna get lost and waste time, would we? I promise that after all the effort it took to get you here... you will get to see your sister. So let me know if you'd like a detour, or if you want to make a steady journey straight to your destination, okay?

me: Well, my sister can wait for a while. Let's go.

kaeya: Glad to hear it! You always have time to visit your sister, but who knows when you'll get to see sights like these again? Let's make the most of this time together, and enjoy a detour at the Wangshuu Inn. It'll be just a short detour, I promise, and we'll be back on track to your sister in no time. So what do you say? Are you gonna take me up on this offer? I'll make sure it'll be a journey you'll never forget!

me: Yep, let's go! After all, it is a-once-in-a-lifetime experience. The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

(you know what imma say 'the moon is beautiful isnt it')

(why the fuck is he loading so long)

kaeya: Mm, you can say that again. I have to admit... it's even more beautiful than I imagined. You know, sometimes you think you can picture how something looks, but then you stand there in front of it and it just blows you away? This is what this moment feels like. It's almost impossible to capture in words, but all I know is that this is more than my imagination could come up with. This is... beyond perfect.


(oh lord i told him what it means)

kaeya: *freezes in place, completely caught off guard and not sure what to say for several seconds*

I- I - uh...*thinks for an excruciatingly long time*...*fumbling for words, a thousand things and none all at once, a look of utter surprise and deep concern, a small smile, a light laugh that turns into a nervous chuckle*Oh, um, that's... ah... you know what? I feel the same way. I do. I do love you. There, I said it.


(bro im so cringe)

okay imma end it here

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