??? what

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i was watching a random genshin reaction video where its like about khaenriah being murdered or destroyed by the archons when i remembered something.

Ei (raiden)'s sister, Makoto, died in the Khaenri'ah war, right? Ei said that she was a far more formidable warrior than Makoto, meaning Ei was stronger than Makoto, but Makoto was still an Archon, meaning she could definitely slaughter a whole nation with the help of other Archons such as Morax (Zhongli) and Barbatos (Venti).

What intrigues me the most is why she would die in the war. I mean, Makoto wasn't as strong as Ei, but before the people of Khaenri'ah were turned into monsters, they were normal humans. I don't think that humans would be able to kill a god, which means that there is something fishy about this.

The war of Khaenri'ah was caused by Celestia, Celestia summoned all the Archons to destroy Khaenri'ah, so Celestia is the cause of this. I had a theory that the war was actually a cover up to kill Makoto.

Makoto could have known something about Celestia, as she didn't waste her time on killing rivals like Ei, she was a more peaceful ruler (From Ei's voicelines). It must have been very important as Celestia had to go as far as to kill Makoto to conceal the secret.

I found something about Makoto too while researching for her. The chinese meaning of Makoto is 真, meaning 'true', 'truth', 'real' or 'reality' when translated to english. Makoto knows the truth of Celestia, and when Celestia knew about it, she made the war of Khaenri'ah as a cover up for Makoto's death, cuz if Celestia just went and killed Makoto without a cover up, it would have been very suspicious.

Here is what it said in the Genshin Wiki about Makoto: 

'After defeating in a grueling duel, Makoto's consciousness spawned from the sword due to Ei using its full power. She apologized to Ei for leaving her so suddenly, having intended to slowly convince her of her views over time but could not as she could not ignore Khaenri'ah. Before the last of her consciousness faded away, she handed Ei a seed of the Sacred Sakura and lamented that she could not see what Inazuma looked like in the present day. Ei believed that Makoto had involved in the creation of the Sacred Sakura and that without her intervention, Inazuma would have been consumed by the darkness.'

She couldn't ignore Khaenri'ah, meaning she wanted to destroy Khaenri'ah. But why? Makoto was, as Ei said, a peaceful ruler (She was said to be 'relaxed and very calm'). So why would she suddenly have the urge to wipe out Khaenri'ah? This leads to my second theory.

Celestia is using the gnoses (gnosis' plural form) to control the Archons just like the strings of a puppet. When the gnosis is taken away from the Archon, they sever all ties with Celestia. The gnosis is said as a 'way to Celestia' and the 'source of our power'. 

Celestia controlled  the Archons to destroy Khaenri'ah. That explains why Makoto had to participate in the Khaenriah war, it was by force. Makoto at that time was one of the Seven, meaning she had the electro gnosis with her, meaning Celestia was controlling her.

okay thats enough typing ugggghhhhh

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