4. Messed up

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Since, I was not interested so I broke the eye contact we created for a few seconds. I looked back and saw that she broke the eye contact too and looked a bit embarrassed.

What a wierd girl. Am I that handsome? I don't know. I am not really friends with any girl nor I talked to any so I don't know what was going on in her mind. Anyways, I don't want to think about it. This love and attraction is too cringe.

I resumed talking with my friends until the teacher announced that our class's BMI is done so we will be heading to the playground.

I picked up my bag and went there with my other classmates.

I looked back and saw that Avantika remained there talking to that weird girl who was looking at me. The girl was no longer looking. Must be too embarrassed. Anyways, who cares about her except her friends.

"Whom are you looking at there?" My friend, Ashutosh snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Ugh! No one!!" I replied.

"There are only girls on the way you were looking. Are you checking out girls? Hmm?" They started teasing me.

"What nonsense. I was just checking if all our classmates came with us or not."

"Since when have you started caring for all our classmates? You are not the monitor. Mohit is supposed to check if all are here or not." He said and looked at me as if I was an imposter.

"Ugh! Leave it! No more discussion about it anymore. Let's go now." I said as I was getting irritated.

If you want to tease me then tease me about some famous celebrity or model. Why her? She was weird.

We reached the playground and started playing football. Being good at sports, I was able to score so many points. We were playing when suddenly a girl from my class came towards our group.

Oh my god! She is the most annoying and attention seeking girl in our class. Why do I have to encounter so many weird girls today?

"Hey Shuvam! You are so good at playing." She said but I ignored her.

"You are so good at sports and page everything you do. Such an all-rounder. Life must be so good for you." In her last sentence, I froze. This is something I hear everytime. When she said that, my anger issues kicked in. Only I know how hard I tried controlling myself to not burst at her.

"You are so good at studies. You come on the top 10 toppers list of our school. Your mother must be so proud of her." She said and I froze. That's it. She crossed her line.

I angrily threw the ball and went close to her with an angry expression.

"If you are here to irritate me and seek attention from me, then you are at the wrong place. It would be better if you just get away from here because I don't like raising my voice at girls." I whispered and yelled at her.

She looked scared and went away with tearful eyes.

"What's wrong with you dude? Why were you so mad at her? She was just appreciating you. What wrong thing did she say? Ofcourse your mom must be prou..." Before Shaurya could even complete his sentence, I punched him.

The whole playground was filled with silence and everyone was looking at us. The teachers are not present at this time.

I realised what I did and without saying anything, I picked up my bag and went to sit in a corner.

I was very close to not bursting at anyone until and unless they mentioned my mom. I just can't stand it when she is mentioned anywhere.

I hope she was not mentioned in my life as well. Though I was angry, I was still feeling bad from within.

Just then, humanities students with our P.E teacher entered the playground.

I looked at the door waiting for that weird girl to enter. After almost half of the students came in, she entered with Avantika. I never talked to Avantika to be very frank. We were just classmates and nothing else.

She looked very cheerful and was continuously talking to Avantika while getting in. She looks like a chatter box! Too annoying. Not my type.

Though she didn't look at me now. Why? Earlier she was staring at me like a creep. Am I not handsome now? Anyways, I should just leave it and start focusing on the mess I created.

I noticed that as soon as the humanities students came, all my classmates started behaving normally as if nothing happened.

That was a good decision. Our class problems should be limited to our students only.

I noticed that none of my friends today approached me like the last time. Instead, they all were talking with Shaurya and Shaurya looked kinda angry.

I can understand him. I was very wrong today. I shouldn't have done that. I never shared any problems of me and my mom to anyone. I don't even want to.

Shaurya was the closest friend of mine in the class. He was like my best friend. Although he has best friends of himself. To him, I was always a 'close friend' only. However, for me, he was my best friend.

I never ever imagined punching him. Even in my worst nightmare. I think I should make it up to him but not now. For now, I need to clear up my mind. So many things are going on in my mind right now. I can't apologize to him like this.

Soon, the bell rang. I picked up my bag and started going towards the school gate alone. I didn't want my birthday to go like this but since I created so much mess today, I gave no other option.

While going towards the gate, I came across the office of our counselor. Our school counselor. Although, I have never visited her because according to the students, she is very scary. That's why I never approached her for my problems. And on top of that, I don't want to share my problems with anyone.

For one second, I thought to just visit her office but then I realised that the school hours are over. I can't visit her now. I should have visited during the school hours. She must be busy too now.

I averted my mind from her and went out of the school.



Today's update is out. Hope y'all liked it.

The next part will be uploaded soon.

I will meet y'all in the next part.

Till then, take care and good bye!!

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