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Schlatt pov:
'A-are they really believing this bitch over me? After everything they've put me through, it's ME who somehow crossed the line in morals?!'

Glaring Lucifer down I made sure that I was standing tall against this prideful baster.

"So a rumor that I cheated on you is enough for you want to break up and have me expelled?"

The glare that Luci sent me would make a lesser man back down, but he would always say in bed that I was the only one who could take him.

Well, it seems it's not just in bed that I'm able to handle him.

"I will let you know that us breaking up isn't why you're being expelled, Mc. we can't have anyone angle, demon, or human, just insult a noble."

Rolling my eyes I flipped Lucifer off with a smile on my face.

"Whatever Luci, why don't you leave me to pack my shit and go fuck off and go offer someone an apple?"

Slamming the door in Lucifer face it didn't take long before the sound of him storming off could be heard.

"Should of known it'd end like this we were to similar and our love burned to ashes."

Locking the door I grabbed my school bag and packed the few things that was mine.

A stuff bee that Mammon got me, an anime Leviathan force me to watch, and a book about the history of wines that Satan bought me.

'Hope the bitch Lucifer decided to believe over me doesn't try the mean girl route and confess they plain the whole thing only to then get caught.'


'Oh my, how original is this cupcake looking bitch.'

The girl who said her name was Yuki had just confused her whole plan and pushed me into this portal.

I heard the door open but didn't see who had came in only that Yuki was shocked. This probably ment that whoever came wasn't with her.

"Hope that baster doesn't try the whole win me back routine...if the pride demon can admit his wrong that is."

Looking at my hands they went back to normal but my horns were still there and so was my tail.

The potion that Barbatos gave should be in full effect by no-

Before I could finish that thought everything quickly went dark and it felt as though everything had shifted.

No one pov:
Back in Devildom Yuki, after pushing Schlatt through the portal, they turned around only to be face to face with the demon prince, Barbatos, Mammon, and Lucifer.

Mammon was the first one to jump at Yuki, who immediately stepped back into the control panel for the portal. A loud crak was heard which broke the other threes trance.

They immediately saw Mammon holding Yuki down as he shaked the demon witch for answers.

And once out, it made all of them more angry as they did this all for Lucifer, who had rejected them a hundred years ago.

Barbatos was trying to reverse the portal destination so it would return Mc back, but an error had appeared.

As in the attempt to bring Schlatt back and with Yuki cracking the panel, which is now causing glitches to appear im the portal.

Lucifer was breathing down the butter neck, and just when it seemed he had found a solution, Mc's soul had vanished.

As the panel had no destination set, it allowed another path to appear and take Mc and alter them to fit in with their new home.

Schlatt was now laying in a flower patch with a duck hybrid watching over him.

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