Chapter 2

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Quackity pov:
'Ugh, love hurts'

Looking down at my hand, it looked like a dried up grap as it throbbed in pain. Glancing up at Schlatt, he was holding his newborn son.

I could feel my smile form as the ram was half asleep with his son lay on his chest sound asleep.

Going to Schlatt's side, I softly petted the babies fluffy brown hair. For the last nine months, me and Schlatt had waited for this cariño to be born.

"Mi niño, your father was an idiot to give up you and your mama because of a stupid rumor."

The little ones' ram ears twitched for a moment before going still again. He hasn't opened their eyes yet, but so far, they look like a mini Schlatt.

It honestly felt like time had froze as I watched the two sleep peacefully. After a few more moments passed, I forced myself to leave them.

Leaving the room, I started to clean the house up and prepare some food for Schlatt when he wakes up.

While pregnant, all the ram wanted was apple related food and wouldn't eat anything else unless he had an apple with each meal.

So a steak dinner with an apple pie for dessert sounds wonderful. Plus, I might even get a kiss on the cheek from Schlatt.

My wings fluffed up just at the thought.

Lucifer pov:

Yuki was sobbing on the floor as she pleaded for mercy. Her body was now littered with open scars that were still bleeding.

After two weeks of Mc being gone, I've been on edge with more of a temper from what Mammon said.

Thought that scumbag always says incorrect things, so it must be wrong. Saying I've let myself go more than usually with Mc gone.

"Come on, Lucifer, we have other matters to attend to. You'll have a chance to torture them later."

Glaring at Mammon, who had placed his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me. Though it didn't work in the slightest.

Ripping myself away from Mammon, I turned back to the bitch who just like making my blood boil. Saying how this wasn't supposed to happen now that mc is gone.

"FINE, stay and torture the bitch! I'll let Barbatos know that you weren't interested in what he found out about the portal."

Snapping my neck towards Mammon, he had opened the cell door and held it open for me with a smirk.

No one pov:
After a month's of searching for an answer for what had happened to the portal. While this was being expelled to the brothers, Barbatos made it clear that mc is now in a different time zone.

He had explained that Mc time zone could be going at any pace, meaning it could be the same as theirs or be going slower and be their for only a few days or fast and is now a year in.

To Lucifer, it meant their is no way to determine how mad Mc will be when they come back. Heaven now seems closer than gaining Schlatt's forgiveness.

Lucifer was right as at the moment Schlatt was now a year in his new home.

(I'm not gonna do a good job in keeping count of how many years past in Devildom)

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