Chapter 3

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Quackity pov:
"Mi amor, are you sure this is a good idea? Not that this is bad, but you know..."

Looking at the things Schlatt had brought back home after his afternoon walk was a child.

Tubbo was asleep in the rams' arms while a sheep hybrid was following him, yet Schlatt didn't even seem a bit bothered. He only glances back at them every time I point at them.

"They just started following me pumpkin, plus the kid hasn't said anything, so they might be mute."

Bringing my finger up to my forehead, it felt as though I'll have a mental breakdown. Following Schlatt behind the kid, I watched as they put Tubbo to sleep.

The kid was in a neon green jacket that was too big on them, just like the paper mask they have on. It had small holes to see, but that was about it as there was nothing else.

'My million dollar question of the day is where this kid came from. And why did it decide to just follow Schlatt.'

Dream pov:
'Pretty Lady? Man? they kinda look like both. XD said to follow anyone that looks similar to me. Puffy left so I'll follow them.'

As they put the baby down they finally looked at me. All through out the walk they didn't say anything or even looked at me.

It wasn't until that duck said something did the ram look at me. My tail started wagging as their brown eyes looked at me.

"Well kid, I think this follow the leader game is over," Picking me up they walked towards the door. "Your parents must be worried by now."

Thr ram might be right but Puffy went on that ship without me but they remembered Foolish. Plus XD said I can stay with whoever as long as they look similar as me.


Shaking my head I bumped my head against theirs. They did it back with hardly any strength put into it.

Pouting I did it again but harder then before but all I got was the same result as earlier.

"I-is that normal behavior for a sheep, yeah a ram, but a sheep?"

The ram pushed me closer to them so I lay my head in their neck. Their body was so warm it makes me sleepy.

Schlatt pov:
Looking at the kid they seem to have went to sleep.

"Yeah, don't worry to much pumpkin both sheep and rams are very close plus they could have a ram father."

Going over to the couch I could sense how hesitant Quackity was being about the kid. Honestly, I could sense a bit of magic flowing through them.

"We should find their parents, you took your normally route? They must be close as those woods are pretty deep."

Nodding my head Quackity got up and went upstairs, probably grabbing a jacket and some supplies.

His foot steps were very light so he didn't wake up either of the kids. The little one in my arms, it doesn't feel like we'll find their parents.

"Okay, love I'm off keep an eye on green bean while I'm gone."

Waving him off I even sent an air kiss for my little yellow duck. The kid shifted in their sleep a bit but didn't wake up.

Getting up I try to lay the kid down of the couch, but the green bean didn't want that as they held a tight grip on my shirt.

"I guess you're going to be my problem child? Ha, how fun parent of two and nether of them are by boyfriends kid."

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