Chapter 1

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Quackity pov:
Poking at the ram hybrid checks, I try to brush my hand away in their sleep. The hybrid had a suit on and had a small bag with them.

After a look inside the bag, they didn't have anything worth taking, plus if they did, they'd get pass with them being cute.

"Wonder what a cute like you are doing this far in the woods. If I took you right now, I doubt anyone would notice."

Petting the pretty ram hair, I softly touch their horns that were very sharp at the tip. Ears twitching it was the sound of a mob's footsteps coming towards us.

Looking up at the sky, it was clear that nighttime  was coming and mobs would start coming out.

'Ha, looks like I do get to take the pretty ram back home with me after all.'

Picking the ram hybrid up, they were not too heavy, but they weren't light either. Making sure I had a good hold, I made my way back home.

On my way back, it was hard to kill mobs while carrying someone on your back, but it wasn't impossible. Plus, it was easier since the skeletons didn't aim at the ram.

Schlatt pov:
'W-what the fuck happened? Am I back in my apartment?'

Opening my eyes the first thing that I see is a wall. My body was laying on it's side on a bed, switching positions to be on my back it made me feel a bit dizzy from the movement.

"ah, parece que te despertaste!"

Forcing myself to glance over at whoever spoke I saw a small man who had yellow wings.

"N-no spanish speak, I english."

The yellow winged man started laughing and their wings had even puffed up. With that reaction it's safe to assume they at least understood me.

"Ha! I'm sorry about that. All I said was that you're finally awake."

Even after they said that, they kept laughing for another minute before finally calming down.

As the man calmed down, I took the opportunity to look the room over. It was a plain room with a few chests and a small bookshelf.

"So, amar, can you tell me why I found you past out in the middle of the woods?"

The smile on the man looked very playful, and with how fluffy his hair and wings are, I'd almost think he was harmless.

'Though with my time in Devildom, I know that's not true.'

Pushing myself into a sitting position, the yellow angle handed me a glass of water. Taking the drink from him and giving it a sniff. Nothing smelt weird, so I drank the water in two big gulps.

"Alright, golden angel, I'll tell you why my fine ass was out in the woods. My ex believed a hoe and kicked me out."

Telling a rinse down version of what happened should be fine. It's not like this'll become a problem.

No one pov:
As Schlatt told Quackity, his rinse down story of what happened in Devildom, it enraged but also delighted him to hear that the ram was single.

Once the two got talking, they didn't stop until sunrise. Both of them were tired and ended up sleeping next to each other.

The next day, Quackity slowly eases Schlatt into his new environment by showing him to the river and the caves.

After two weeks of getting to know each other is when Schlatt started to show signs of carrying a child within him.

Once the two of them figured out that Schlatt was pregnant, he was surprised when Quackity still let him stay. It honestly touched the ram to know his first friend cares so much about him.

To Quackity, he sees it as an opportunity to get closer to the ram. And after hearing about the kids' real father, the duck won't let them turn out to be a dick.

You are the father LuciferTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon