Al arsh عَرْش & jahannum

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Al arsh عَرْش

Allah swt has created 7 heavens. The journey from the first heaven to the second heaven takes 500 years. Beyond the first heaven, the kursi (foot chair) of Allah swt is the throne. This is followed by the arsh (throne) of Allah swt. Allah subhana wata'alas Messenger Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: "When Allah swt completed the creation, He wrote in his book which is with him on his throne, "My Mercy overpowers My Anger."

Hell Jahannam جحيم

1. Jahannam (The First Gate)
the first level of hell: This level is for Muslims who were sinful in the world. It has the least heat of all levels and has the least painful punishment for the sinners. When the sinners come in through the gates, their faces will be burned and the fire will consume their flesh. Here Allah SWT will renew their flesh every time after they are burnt.

2. Ladah (Second Gate)
This level is below Jahannam, and it is for humans and jinn who did not believe in Allah SWT, rejected the messages of the Prophet and did not believe in them as the messengers of Allah. The main punishment in this level is that fire will eat someone's organs one by one, both external and internal, and finally destroy their body.

3. Saqar (Third Gate)

The third level of Jahannam and it is located below Ladah. The punishment for the people here is that fire will eat their flesh, but not bones. The four reasons why people get to this level of Jahannam are:

1. They did not perform Salah (prayer).
2. They did not feed the poor.
3. They spoke in vain to those who in vain that is, they followed the path of injustice and lies.
4. They refused the existence of the Day of Reward and Resurrection (Qayamat).

4. Al-Hutamah (The Fourth Gate)
at this level, located below Saqar, the fire here is believed to burn the sinners to the bone and blind their hearts and inner organs. The fire will start at their feet and then go up to their hearts. It is believed that the sinners will weep to the point where their lacrimal glands will dry up, the blood will dry up and their tears will be so great that a ship could easily sail into the pool of their tears.

5. Jaheem (the fifth gate)
It is believed to be below Al-Hutamah, which is a large lump of coal and is larger than the lowest level. Sinners will be thrown here for three reasons:

They did not give correct belief to Allah.
Refused to give proper credit to the creations.
Did not encourage feeding the poor.

6. Saeer (The Sixth Gate)
This level of Jahannam is below Jaheem. This level has been igniting since it was created. It consists of 300 castles with 300 huts each with 300 rooms and in each room there are 300 different types of punishments. The pain here is unimaginable, excruciating and it is very painful. Here are scorpions, snakes, chains, ropes and whatever. It also has a zing of Agony, which is the most painful punishment in all of Jahannam.

7. Al-Hawwiyah (The Last Level of Jahhanam)
This is the last and worst level of hell. It is the seventh level of jahannam, located below Saeer. It is said that no sinner will be delivered from this level. There is pitch darkness on this level. Slanderers and unbelievers are punished here. The sinners in this level will be crushed under mountains while lying on their faces. The hands of sinners will be tied to their necks and their necks to their legs. And Zabanniyah (angels of Janhannam) will surely stand upon them. The hands of the angels are said to be made of strong iron and as punishment for the sinners they will beat the sinners with their bare hands. The Qur'an says that Al-Hawwiyah is the level at which kindled fire will embrace the sinner as a mother embraces her son.

But Allah swt is the Most Merciful! So keep asking for forgiveness and may we all be protected from Jahannum ameen.

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