The angels - malaika ملائِكة

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The angels - malaika ملائِكة

After creating the pen, the heavens and the earth. Made الله swt the angels. The second pillar of our faith is believing in the angels. They are made of light Al noor. They don't have a gender like humans, so they can't be male or female. They don't need food (because they don't get hungry). And they also have no lust and therefore no need for intimacy. So there are no angel women with angel children. They do not get tired and never feel lazy. They do everything that الله swt wants and that's what they were created for. They do have a character/personality. They hate and love things just like we humans do.

the angels say to الله swt that man intends to do evil though he is more watchful than they. الله replies, watch him if he does evil, record it. but if he leaves it, record one good deed (hassanat) for him, for surely he has given it up for my sake. - sahih bukhari.

They can read people's minds. الله swt said that the angels have wings and thus can fly. الله said that there are angels with 2 pairs of wings, 3, 4 pairs of wings and maybe more. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the angel jibril (the leader of the angels) in his natural state and saw that he had 600 wings that filled the horizon. And different colored drops of pearls and coral were falling from the wings. They are also huge. One of the angels who bears الله swt the throne. Between the flesh of his ear and his shoulder, there is a distance of 700 years of travel. Each person sees the angels differently. When a Muslim dies, he will see all the beautiful faces of the angels. But others (in the will of الله) come to find the angel of death very scary.

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that al Baitul Ma'mur (the 7th heaven just above the kaabaa on earth) is visited every day by 70,000 angels and then they stay there. What exactly is al baitul ma'mur? It is the "kaabaa" in jannah. Like how we visit the kaabaa al said baitul ma'mur. If 70,000 angels come and stay there every day for millions of years, never mind how many angels there are now in total! الله swt has given one angel the job as a caretaker for a belly that has a baby in it. The angel checks the baby in the womb and keeps الله informed of everything that happens to the baby. "Ya الله it's a lump of flesh in the belly now". If الله wants the baby to have a soul then the angel will ask "ya الله will it be a boy or a girl?" When the fetus reaches the fifth month, the angel will blow a soul into it. At that same time, four things are established. His livelihood, his longevity, his deeds and whether he becomes miserable or happy. Jibril (the best angel of the angels, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw Jibril he fainted). Whoever is an enemy of jibril is الله an enemy of the infidel. When الله loves someone he calls jibril to inform that الله loves you. And then الله commands jibril to love you too. Jibril is also the first being that الله breathed a soul into. And also Jibril will die on Judgment Day. Jibril himself also has a throne that he got from الله. And jibril is the only angel who talks to الله. The rest of the angels cannot speak to الله swt. Jibril's job is that he assisted the prophets.

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